The Bad Boy Saved Me <> Teen Fiction.

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"Mom The boys won't give me my laptop!" My 15 year old daughter yelled.

"Boys come set the table. Raelynn come help me finish dinner." I called out and I heard 4 pairs of feet. Raelynn came in happily to help me.

"Why did they take your laptop?" I asked as we were finishing the meat balls.

"I was skyping Jax. They don't like me hanging out with him." She said sadly and I kissed my daughter's head. After 3 mote tries Austin and I were gifted with a daughter. You got OJ who is 21, Quincey who is 20, Bellamy who is 19 and Tyler who is 16. OJ works with his father at my father's company. My dad passed it down to Austin since my brother was in the military. My dad passed a year after Raelynn was born. Sarah is still alive and kicking but she's got cancer.

"They just don't want you getting hurt. Your Uncle Axel used to do the same when I had guy best friends. He did the same with Aunt Molly, Lucy and Alison." I said and she smiled and we placed the food on the table. Austin and OJ came in wearing their suits but their ties wear loose and their shirts un-tuck. They kissed mine and Raelynn's head and sat down. We prayed and I told the 4 boys to let Raelynn be.

"What brought this on?" OJ asked smiling at his baby sister.

"They don't like Jax. I was skyping him and they stole my laptop." She said quietly and he shot the boys a look.

"Jaxson is a good kid. Uncle Daniel raised him good. You do good and let Rae be." He said seriously and they nodded.

"Sorry Rae-Rae." They said and she smiled at the nickname being used.

"How was work daddy and O?" She asked and they smiled.

"It was good baby girl. How was school?" They asked and she grumbled.

"The queen bee tried fighting her today. Lacy put her on her flat but." Tyler said and Rae giggled.

"Who is Lacy?" I asked and Rae smiled.

"The new girl. Mama she's so cool. Sadly she is the bad girl in the school and don't talk to nerds." Rae said and I giggled.

"I was a nerd and your daddy fell in love with me. Plus there's no shame in being a nerd. You just hide it well with your clothing style." I said and she giggled.

"Yeah R.J. I mean the soccer team captain asked you to try out when we were playing at lunch yesterday." Tyler said and she shrugged.

"I only played because you like soccer Ty and plus I'm trying out for gymnastics." She said and he smiled.

"You can beat any of them cheerleaders." He said and she smirked.

"Cheerleaders are dancers that have gone retarded." She stated in a matter of fact tone and we all laughed. ( sorry about the comment. I have nothing against cheerleaders. Hell my mom was one and my sister is one.)


I walked into the Tv room and saw my little babies all on the couch. Rae laying on all 5 of her brothers asleep. I felt arms wrapped around my waist and I looked up to see my handsome husband. We smiled at our children.

"We did good." I whispered and he kissed me and said yes we did mama bear.

The End

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