🔞Mile High Club🔞

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**All of these stories are adult and Consensual.
Random hookup mostly.🔞21+

**One-shot shot
**Random hookup

Prince p.o.v.

So here I am about to board a plane,to L.A. for tv show. Don't know why the hell I agree to do this shit when I'm not feeling like myself. I'm so tired and and horny. Tired of this loneliness. Surprisingly it's been awhile since I've had time to do anything with anyone. Sad I know. Just been so busy with this new album.

So here I go off to L.A. to do Jay Leno.

I get on the plane.sit in my seat,taking notice of a really hot lady sitting next to me.

She's got her headset on already, and the plane hasn't even taken off yet.

Humm this could be interesting. Game on.

I notice her notice me, and I extend my hand to greet her. She takes out her earbuds
I lean over with my sunglasses on. "Hello, how are you?"

"Hi,I'm ok." she smiles.

"Where you headed? If you don't mind me asking?" I ask smiling.

"L.A. you?" She asks me with a smile.

"Same." I nod and smile.

"That's nice. What do you do there, if you don't mind me asking?" She asks.

"Oh, a little of this and a little of that. How bout you?"I ask her with a chuckle.

She looks at me and says.."No offence, but I don't know you.  How do I know that you're not a stalker or something?" She says very matter of factly.

I chuckle. Take off my glasses and look her in the eyes.

"I don't think you need to worry about that momma." I say with a smile.

She sits with her mouth wide and hand over it. Speechless. And then finally, I am able to say
"Ohh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was you..please forgive me." Very apologetic.

"It's cool. I was trying to be inconspicuous. Good to know it actually worked. Sorry to alarm you. Just a normal guy,you know.  So you gonna tell me pretty momma what you do or do I need to guess?" I ask with a smile and wink.

"Oh I'm a dancer.." she replies with a smile.

"Oh really?" I say with raised eyebrows.


"So who you listening to in your headset there pretty momma?" I ask.

"You. Your new album actually." She smiles.

"Oh really? And how do you like it?" I ask smiling.

"It's great! I love it! It's great sex music actually." She says with a huge smile.

"Oh really? You gotta man for that album listing to it getting all excited?" I ask.

"No, sadly, I don't."

"Oh really? Why is that? A beautiful as you are with them sexy hips you got there and that tight ass. And you ain't got some brotha on lock?" I offer.

"My life is crazy right now. No time, I guess." She says.

"Pitty. Waisting all that sexy on no-one. Sounds like me." I offer with a smile.

"You not with anyone now? Thought you were married to what's her name?" She asked.

"Mayte yeah that ended a year ago." I say turning my head to the isle, putting my glasses back on trying not to break down for the fifteenth time this month.

🔞Prince One shots. A whole lot of Sex🔞Where stories live. Discover now