🔞The Show🔞

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**Established relationship**

His p.o.v.

"Come on we're going to be late woman!" I shout to her in the bathroom.

We were supposed to be going to an awards show for me for music awards. I'm dressed and ready. Wearing black silk shirt and white tailierd pants and a white jacket. Looking mighty fine if I don't say myself. Black heels. Black sunglasses and black hat. Make up and hair on point.

Supposed to be there an hour ago

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Supposed to be there an hour ago.

"I'm sure you look amazing! Let's go! they've already started I'm sure there not going to wait for me even if I an getting a huge award..come on!" I whine.

"Calm down I will be ready in a minute." she yells from the bathroom as I sigh and sit on the bed.

"Jesus you take longer then me.." I say shaking my head.

"Damn!" I say as she walks out of the bathroom looking at me as if to say let's go

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"Damn!" I say as she walks out of the bathroom looking at me as if to say let's go.

"Let's go then stop looking at me already.." she says smiling.

But I can't move. I'm stuck..with my idck standing straight up and licking my lips.

"Prince..we're late let's go already!" She says walking towards the door to go out of the bedroom.

I Just sit there. Stiff and frozen.

"I..I..can't move..I'm hard as a rock..I can't!" I say studdering to her completely still eyeing her.

"Oh good lord..really? It's just an outfit." she says rolling her eyes.

"I realize that but..apparently he doesn't." I say pointing to the erection between my legs.

"What do you want me to do? I'm in full outfit and makeup. Took me two hours to get ready. I'm not messing up my make up. Or my hair." she scoft.

"Shit I don't know..but I can't move and I can't leave like this..seriously. So am I."

"Damn it Prince!"

"Hey watch it!"

She rolls her eyes and sighs. Walks over to me sits on the unmade messy bed next to me.
Takes me out of her pants slowly as we kiss. Wrapped her hand around my shaft and begins stroking me slowly up.amd down.

🔞Prince One shots. A whole lot of Sex🔞Where stories live. Discover now