🔞Random Hookup🔞

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**Random hookup**

His p.o.v.

"I love you!" I moan her as I'm deep inside her tonight.

Thrusting deep inside her wet heat as I moan and grunt as she moans and screams my name over and over. 

This is the place I love to be. In my bed with her doing what we do best. Happens every time. 

She begs me to go faster and harder and I comply as I thrust myself into her as we move together and I lift her legs above me to go deeper and twist myself inside her..the shit dreams are made of.

She screams and moans with the pleasure she's feeling as I feel her start to let go.

"Yeah baby let it go..all over us.." I moan as I thrust faster and faster pushing her threw the orgasm

She Let's  go..moaning,shaking,squeezing my shaft around her. I moan loudly as I can feel my self sliding in and out and feeling myself starting to let go.

"Oh fuck!" I moan between grunts and thrusting.

I push harder and harder grunting my hips faster and faster as she goes completely limp from pure satisfaction and exhaustion.

I collapse next to her as we both try to catch out breaths and relax sweaty and sticky. Satisfied.

And then I wake up. Look in my bed next to me and there's no one there.  It was all a fucking dream. My clothes are soaked,bed is too. Damn that felt so damn real. I jump into the shower then change the sheets.

That was a great fucking wet dream. But I still miss her.

Damn. Don't think I've ever had a dream that real before. 
I should have known better.

I take a sip of the wine on my nightstand and lean back on the head board thinking.

I haven't seen her in a year. I haven't felt her in a year. I haven't talked to her in over a year. Why am I dreaming about her now?

I take another sip..outside the rain starts to fall. I can hear it hitting the roof.

My phone rings..I'm not expecting a call who could that be? It's 3am.

"Prince?! Hi babe. I miss you ! How have you been?"

"Who the fuck is this?" I ask confused maybe a tiny bit tipsy

"Who you think?" She says.

"If I knew I wouldn't ask. Quit playing it's 3am."

"You don't fucking sleep.  Now you quit playing!"

"What do you want?"


"Oh really? You still ain't told me who you are."

"How bout I just show up then you can see?"

"Then what? Think I'm going to fuck you or something?"

"Oh once you see me you will."

I must be fucking drunk.

"Ok fine."

"See you in 10 mins."

Oh great.
Take some more wine and sit waiting for the mystery of who it is.

10 mins pass. 20 mins pass..30 mins pass.

Really? I'm going to sleep cause now I have a danm headache.

I lay back..drifting to sleep.
I must have started dreaming again cause this time I felt my self rising and getting hard. And then someone grabs it. Starts stoking it. It wasn't me..has to be a dream.

I start bucking my hips as I can feel a mouth on my tip licking and sucking. This is some dream don't wake me up

I start moaning and breathing heavily and sweating.

Getting hotter and hotter. I feel myself throbbing about to let go.

Next thing I know there is someone on top of me and they are bouncing their hips as I buck mine. This shit is too fucking real to be a dream ..i must be really drunk.

Next thing I hear is someone moaning my name over and over..hands on my chest..riding me. I can feel myself sliding in and out of someone and it feels great. "Ah fuck" I moan.  Too fucking real.

I hear her.."ahh prince ". Then it dawns on me this ain't no dream..its the person whom was supposed to be here earlier. Ohh shit!

I open my eyes and find her laying ontop of me spent.

Who the fuck is This? Dark skin..long hair in my face smelling of vanilla. Body Entwined in mine.

Oh shit.."um hello?" I say rather harshly.

"Oh prince." she moans as she sits up on me.

I look into her eyes and who could it be? I must really be drunk.

Appleona? No. Vanity aka Denise? No. Jill? No. Ingrid? No. Madonna? Hell no. Janet? No. Mayte? No.

Honestly I don't recognize her. I don't know who she is and I can't figure it out.

"Ok..I have no clue who you are..why don't you tell me. It's rather dark in here and I can't see." I mutter out.

"Prince..you don't know me. I'm a fan."

"Oh great! How did you get this number and shit?" I ask pushing her off of me and grabbing the light on the stand and turning it on.

"You invited me remember? At the club tonight?" She says falling to the floor naked as the light come s on.

"No no I didn't!" I say pulling up the covers over me.

"Yes you did. How else you think I got here? I've been here all night."

Oh fuck! This is completely a big mistake ..random chicks I'm inviting back to my house? What the hell?

"No I don't remember any of this..who are you and please tell me your legal age." I say looking at her on the floor.

But she doesn't say anything. She just looks at me.

Then I wake up. What the fuck is going on with Me?

So the dream within a dream within a dream. Yeah that made no damn scence.

No more wine for me..

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