🔞Adore Me🔞

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**Friends to lovers**

His p.o.v.

Sitting here in my bed alone feeling very horny. Needing the touch of something formiliar.

This house is so lonely when I'm by myself I hate it. It makes me crazy laying alone in this bed with no-one to cuddle and spoon. And love. And make love to. It's like not being on stage. I feel like I'm alone and lost without both.

The relationships I've been in since the divorce have been painfully unsatifying. Gold digging and just want one thing. I need more then that.

The sex without love isn't me anymore. Been there done that.

The love I had for Mayte was very hard to end the way it did but it ended up being the worse thing I ever had to experienced. The loss of my son,the loss of my wife. I lost everything I care about. Some would say that I lost myself. They're probably right. I've grown alot since then though. And I'm ready to move on and live my life without her in it. It's been a struggle and feel like my world has been turned upside down. I write and record to get my mind off it. Somedays are better then others.

Trust issues are now a big thing that eats at me everyone I go into relationships.

And then there's the depression. I could probably go to a strip club and just be done with all this but I'm not looking for that.

There is this one girl that seems to be a constent in my life through all of this.

My best friend. There for me when no-one else is. Been thinking about her alot lately. Decided to call her.


"Hey girl! What cha doing?" I ask smiling knowing it's 3am and she was probably asleep.

"Prince?! It's 3 am..what do you think I was doing?" She asked half asleep.

"Damn well if you were me you would be sitting here lonely and horny longing for some one to hold and love. But since you're not me I'd say by the sound of it you were asleep." I chuckle.

"Very funny. You would be right. And you felt the need to call me?" She asked half asleep.

"I was thinking about you. That should mean something. And you know I don't sleep." I say honestly.

"Oh really. What about me?" She asked.

"Oh girl! How I would lick you inside and out all over and slide inside you and beat that up. And make you feel so damn good. And me too." I say almost in a whisper in a sexy voice.

"Oh really?..tell me more.." she said moaning into the phone.

"Umm. Well I can show you baby better I can tell you."

"Be there in 15 mins. Hold that thought.."

"Oh believe me I will be waiting upstairs for you. You can let yourself in. I 'll be right here waiting for you." I say smiling big.

"You sure you want to do this Prince? Won't it make us feel awkward after? We're friends. I don't want to ruin that. I adore you as a person and love you like a brother."

"Friends with benifits. I've been wanting to for the longest. Now seems like the right time as any. Wear something sexy or hell nothing at all. I will be naked on the bed with my dick in my hand."

"Ok then..hold on." she says hanging up.

Ah fuck! What am I doing breaking the friend zone? I don't care right now. She's a great person and a good friend. What am I doing talking myself out of this? Ah shit.

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