🔞Mile High Club 2. Darling Nicki

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**Random hookup

Prince p.o.v.

Looking out into the crowd,I see that freak from the plane ride I took to the mile high club. At commercial break I say to Jay.."Well look who's back for seconds. Just couldn't get enough, could she?" I chuckle.

"What?who?" Jay asked, confused.

"See that hot mixed chick in the front..yeah..met her on the plane..went to mile high club." I say with a smile, chuckling.

"Wow. Ok. She's stalking you? Want me to get security?" He asked.

"Nah, it's cool." I say as we go back to interview.

"So Prince, this new album..what is it called again?"

"Mile high club." I smirk, looking at her.

"Oh really? It says here it's Lotus Flower." He chuckles, kinda lost.

"Yeah, that too. It's both, actually." I laugh.

"So you going to be performing tonight, or are you doing shows?"

"Nope. Not as of yet." I say, staring at her. She's staring back at me. Noticing that I was indeed talking to her about her.

"I see. So why are you here then, brother, if you're not performing?"

"To pester your ass Jay, thought you knew.. how's your chair?" I joke.

"My chair?" Long pause.
"Ohh my chair,yeah right it's fine."
Crowd laughs.

"Yeah, I'm going to be performing later in the show,not telling what yet cause as you know that's my style."

"Ok then..lady's and gentlemen The Artist!"

I walk off stage. Go in the audience and grab her.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her whispering.

"Following you. You didn't exactly make it a secret..I put 2 and 2 together. I'm a dancer looking for work remember..I have connections too." She smiled.

"Ah I see..come with me then. You're looking for a job? Then impress me. Dance..here tonight. With me. On stage..during my set. If you do good I might hire you for my tour. You never told me your name anyways. What is it?"

"Nikki..but everyone calls me Darling Nikki."

"Ohh really?" I say with a smirk and raised eyebrows.

She just nods.

I take her back to the dressing room and we sit on the couch. And talk.

"So Nikki.." I start.

"Prince..look shut up and fuck me like you did on the plane. I need more."

"Slow down there baby.." I chuckle.

"No really."

"Do as I say..I'm in charge.." I say getting up and locking the door.

"Ok.." she says sitting still on the couch.

"Get on all fours and take all your clothes off except your panties.." I order walking over to her turning off the light as I do so.

"That's not fair..I can't see.." she starts.

"That's the point momma."

She takes off her clothes. I take off mine and I see that she assumed the position. I stand behind her rubbing her back with my fingers trailing to her ass crack.

I bend down behind her slide her panties off her and begin fingering her asshole with my index fingers as I lick my lips.

I hear a light moan come from her as I go deeper with my fingers and add my tongue in the mix. She moans louder. Moving her hips with me.

I swirl my tongue around my fingers inside her and I can hear her breathing heavily moving with me.

"Uhh Prince!" moaning loudly.

I slide my fingers inside her wet waiting heat and and begin fingering her insides as I move my tongue from her ass to her heat. Now moaning loudly breathless as I swirl my tongue again inside her wetness as I did in the plane.

"Prince uh God!"

I move up to her body as I pull her into my condom dick and she slides down on top of me in the darkness of the room.

She rest her hands on my chest as we lay on the couch in the dressing room.

We move with eachother as I thrust inside her beautiful pussy I've come to enjoy 2 times this day.

She moans,squeaking my name as she sits completely ontop of my hard dick throbbing inside her.

"Yeah ride that dick..Nikki..umm!"

"Prince! I I!" she moans breathless.

I thrust my hips into her hard and fast for a few more moments as we slap together and we ride this high together. 

She moans and I grunt loudly as we both come at the same time.

She rest her shaking body on top of mine.

I can't believe for the second time today I've managed to get into this mess with some random chic. It's kinda nice to feel wanted for a change. Random hookups..the 80's all over again.

We lay there catching our breaths and I hear a knock at the door.

"Prince! 15 mins till you're on!"

"Thanks." I say back.

We get up, I turn on the light and look at her laying in the bliss I just put her in.

"Nikki..get up..15 till we go on." I say as I walk to the bathroom to clean up.

"We?" She asked.

"Yeah..you're still dancing right? That was the agreement.."

"But we.."

"Girl clean up and meet me on stage in 5." I say finishing getting ready checking my hair and makeup and putting finishing touches on.

"Ok.." she says.

I walk out and don't see her till 5 mins before as I asked.

"What do you want me to do?" She asked me as I'm twerking my instruments.

"Stand here and look pretty..you're my muse."

"That's it? No dancing?"

"No girl. I like your style. I like you..I'm hiring you to go on tour with me. Be thankful."

"Oh I am, thank you Prince."

"3,2,1, we're back with The Artist!"

I start playing my stuff and sing my song with Nikki by my side looking pretty.

I never asked her her age..oh well. Age is just a number.
God I'm a bad boy. Please forgive me.

Darling Nikki stole my heart 

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