🔞I hate U🔞

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**Established relationship**
**Reference cheating**
**Relationship problems*

His p.o.v.

Fuck here we are again. Sitting in this house after a fight about more stupid shit.

This time she cheated..claims it was my fault..claims I pushed her away.

"Bullshit! How the hell can this be my fault? Your the one that cheated..not me. Hardly seems my fault." I say harshly laying on my side of the bed. Away from her.

"Well if you had been doing your job as my husband then maybe I wouldn't have had too." She scoffs sitting on her side of the bed away from me.

"My job is to perform, dance,write songs and sing. My other job as your husband is to take care of my wife. I can't help it that I've been "working " to make money for us to live. I told you I'm not going to end up as a washed up 80's singer with no career. That's not me. I'm sorry if you don't like it. But you knew what you were in for when we started this relationship and got married. Your job as a wife is to keep me happy. Seems you've been lacking..so you decide the best thing to do is cheat. Make s alot of sence to me for sure. I don't have time to cheat. So when I'm on tour you decide to go behind my back. Thanks, I should be mad at you but what do I expect from a child who's virginity I took? Really woman?" I scoft back.

"Fuck you Prince!! Yeah I cheated because you only care about your work and be damn if your wife has needs. Be damn if I'm lonely in this big ass mansion. It's not fair!" She yelled.

"Wait..so you telling me that you want a job? Then fucking get one who am I to stop you? And I can't help of I'm working to make a life for us. What do you think paid for this fancy ass house,cars,clothes vacations and houses..and fine things? I sure ain't a drug dealer or a damn pimp. Sure ain't from my beauty..as fine as I am. I'm sorry your not happy but fuck neither am I! Just once I'd like to come home off a tour and you to not say " I hate U" or why do you have to be gone all the time or I have needs. Don't you know I know that! I have needs too..thats why I wait till I get home. So now your going to have to wait another day or two because I'm pissed at you and I don't know if I can forgive you. Or even if I should. Might want to take your damn ring off cause it means nothing to you clearly." I hollered.

"Oh really?! Then here take your fucking ring back..!" She yelled throwing the ring across the room and I hear it hit the wall and fall to the ground.

She lays on her side of the bed away from me clearly fuming mad. Like I care anyways? She fucked up. Not me. Believe me I've thought about it on tour but there are people that would probably tell her. Just like I found out about her. One of my boyz on tour told me.

Now she found out that I found out and now I just came off tour to this..

She gets up pacing the floor on a huff.

"What's a matter? You got what you wanted..be damn if I get what I want. I never should have married your ass! Fucking gold digging bitch!!" I say starting to cry.

"Oh yeah you only married me cause I was pregnant. Remember ? Ass hole! And it's your fault I lost it. And it's your fault Amari died and it's your fault I cheated!" She screams crying.

"Oh hell No! I'm not to blame for his death or the others or the cheating..you know I had nothing to do with any of that..I'm not to blame. And that is all I'm saying on that one. Yeah my fault." I shouted turning over and standing up and walking over to her and grabbing her by the hands.

I looked into her eyes and we touched foreheads In the middle of the bedroom floor in the middle of our raging argument. Silent. Just our breaths in the room. I closed the space between us and held her close. She continues crying and so did I.

"I...I'm sorry I brought up the babies..I'm sorry about all of it..I." she started to say as I out my finger to her mouth to silence her and kissed her lips.

"It's ok. It's been stressful I know. I'm sorry I haven't been here for you." I tell her as we slide down together to the floor.

I lay her on the floor kissing her all over.

She moans and I can feel myself getting harder and harder by the minute. I push him into her leg as I moan back to her.

"Umm!" she moans as I begin to rub her thighs.

She's laying on the floor I pick her up and carry her to the bed and lay her in it gently.

She gets comfortable as I started taking off my clothes to get infront of her to eat her.

Her clothes already off I make my way down to her wetness and spread her legs. I look up to see her arch her back and grip the sheets to ready herself for what's about to happen.

I take a few fingers slide them inside of her and start making slow circles with them as I moved in and out with them..licking my lips preparing to work my magic.

"Ohh God Prince!" she moans as I ready to put my tongue inside.

I part her lips licking the hood like I'm licking water like a dog. Faster and faster..over and over in and out. As she screams with pleasure hardly containing herself.

I lick every fold and crease inside her neglected wet fat juicy pussy that I hit that sweet spot and it sends her screaming.

"Ohhhhh God! Yes yes yes..prince don't stop!"

Now you want it..I 'll give it to you alright.

I slip and slide my tongue and fingers all around that formiliar spot I know she loved as she arched her back moving her hips with my motions and moaning and heavy breathing. Legs start to shake and I knew she was getting close.

I look up at her and she's about to come when I say "wait hold on!"

"What? I I can't!"

I get into of her throw her legs up over me and plunge into her with the hardest and deepest of thrusts it makes her scream loudly.

I pump a few times hard and fast..speeding up as I go faster and her moving her hips with mine..as I'm grunting and breathing heavily.

"Fuck! Uhh shit!" I grunt as I go deeper beating that pussy up, it needed for the shit she did to me.

"Oh shit prince I I ahhh!!" she screams breathlessly as she let go more then once and I pushed her through it harder and faster. As she screams my name over and over.

Thrusting my hips with such force to let her know I was angry and still loved her..I forgot the condom.

Oh shit. I forgot the condom!

Don't know where that nasty ass mother fuck has been when she did it with him. Don't know if she used anything. Don't want to take chance. Too fucking late. God that always happens with us..damned if I know why.

Gotta release on her stomach quick.

"Ahh fuck. I forgot the condom I'm about to!" I moan as I pull out and it lands on her stomach.

"Ohh god Prince!" She moans breathlessly as I stopped and collapsed on the bed next to her in a state of pure satisfaction that I had indeed made my point.

She lay in silence..with a smile on her face ear to ear as I turned my head to look at her. She turned and looked at me.

We both say at the same time..

"I hate u..but I love you. But I hate you."

We chuckle..indeed I just made a new song from this. I need to write this one down.

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