🔞Truth or Dare🔞

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*Friends to lovers*
**First time
**First kiss

His p.o.v.

My best friend Vanessa, aka Vani and I were sitting on the couch watching a movie when there's a power outage during a snow storm.

Now, we've never had a sexual relationship nor thought about one. We've been best friends through relationships and marriages and are currently both single at the moment. We never kissed. Only hugs. And pecks on the cheek. I look at her like my sister, and I know she thinks of me like a brother.

"Ah man, that was my favorite part, too. Shit! Let me get some blankets and candles." I say, getting up, trying not to bump into things in the dark. I'm trying to find the flashlight.

"Jesus..it's going to get cold in here before too long." she says, agreeing with me.

"Shit. Where's my flashlight?" I say, still feeling my way around.

"Like I'd know?" she laughs.

"Ah ha! Found the flashlight.. Now I gotta find candles and lighter and blankets." I shout.

"That's good. Want me to help?" She asks.

"No, I don't want you falling over stuff. I can only find one flashlight. Otherwise, I'd give you one."

"Ok. I will just sit here and wait.." she chuckles.

"Found the candles and blankets.. Where's the damn lighter..?"

I walk over to her on the couch, hand her the blankets, and use the flashlight, set up the candles, trying to remember where I put that damn lighter.

I walked into the kitchen and found one in the drawer.

"Found a lighter!" I say in excitement.

"I've never seen someone so happy to find a lighter before." she laughs.

"Hey! You will thank me later." I chuckled, lighting the candles and getting comfy under covers with her.

"Now what do we do?" she asked, chuckling.

"Ohh, I know..eachother! To stay warm, of course." I say chuckling.

"You're funny..I meant something else besides sex." she says, chuckling.

"I wonder if I have any wine.. let me go check." I say, walking into the kitchen looking in the fridge. I know you're not supposed to open them in a power outage, but damn give me some credit.

"Ohh, good idea!" She laughed.

I walk back with some glasses in my hand and sit down next to her.

I open the bottle and pour some for the both of us.  I hand her hers and take a sip of mine.

We sit in silence for a few minutes, looking at each other, trying to figure out what to do with ourselves but not wanting to cave to having sex.

"How bout truth or dare?" I finally suggest sipping my wine.

"That's a good idea. Could go 2 ways, though." she laughed.

"That's the fun part of it! You game?" I say laughing.

"Game on!"  She says, laughing, taking another sip.

I sit there a minute thinking of a question.

"Truth or dare?" I ask her smiling.

"Truth!" She answered, smiling.

"Are you horny right now?" I ask


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