🔞Valentine's Day🔞

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**Make up sex**

His p.o.v.

God I hate this day..it's so stupid. Why don't you just shoot me? Better yet give me the gun and I'll do it myself.

Once again..I am alone in this big ass house with no one to love. Sitting here on my bed alone makes me sad to think about. Staring at the walls and sighing to my self thinking about loves past.

Life of a rockstar ain't all its cracked up to be. When your not touring your at home..wishing you were on stage. When your on tour you long for the day you can be home in your own bed..tired of the hotel bed you've been sleeping in alone and be with your lover.

Though I usually have someone to come home to. Apparently she decided that she was tired of waiting on me. Such a bitch.

I work my ass off..trying to live a good life. Then come home to this.

I can't do this anymore. You don't ever call me anymore,you don't ever love me anymore..and I can't live someone who loves his career more then me. I will miss that good love but it's not about that.

I called her cell hoping she picks up.

"Hello?" She answers.

"Baby,I miss you..I need you..its valentines day. How could you leave? I'm sorry..please come home." I plead into the phone

"Prince you just don't get it. Do you?" she asked me sighing in the phone.

"Are you saying I treated you like shit? Are you kidding me? I love my career more then you? How the fuck you think I paid for this damn house? How do you think I got all that nice shit you have on..and how the fuck you think I got these damn cars? I ain't dealing drugs you know. I fucking work my ass off for this shit..and you leave cause I don't love you enough. Please!"

"I can't do this anymore."

"This? This what? You're not the one touring day after day..singing night after night. Dancing my ass off..if anyone should be complaining it should be me!" I shout in the phone getting frustrated.

"Prince.We haven't made love since before you left months ago. You never call me.."

"Well had you been here when I got home your ass with be in the air right now and I'd be deep inside that..so who's fault is that? Sure ain't mine..I'm working to live. You don't appreciate what I do.."

"Wait..did you just say what I think you said?" she asked.


"You would be deep inside me right now had I not left?"

"Of course I would be! What do you think I am a dog? I haven't seen or felt you in months..the first thing I want is your lips on mine..your pussy in my face..licking it all fucking night..as you come on my face. And I thrust deep inside that tight pussy I miss so damn much . God woman!"

"Oh Prince! I'll be right there!" She says with tears.

"Umm I 'll be in bed waiting for you. Don't ware anything and get ready for me to be deep inside!" I say smirking.

She hangs up and I wait. Take a quick shower and lay in my bed waiting. And wait and wait.

Where the fuck is she? It's been 2 hrs. Just then the door to my room opens in the darkness of my room.

I see her silhouette standing in the middle of the room..walking towards me. She claimbs on the bed and we meet each others lips crashing into each other.

I smile with excitement..as we touch each other s body's breathing heavily. Moaning.

She turns around gripping me in her hand s on my shaft and pumping it fast. I moan loudly as she starts sucking the tip and licking in circles around and around. Popping it in and out of her mouth loudly causing me to buck my hips and grunt. As she's
Bobbing her head up and down my shaft I place my hands on her head guiding it up and down brushing her hair aside to watch her as she sucks me harder and fast.

"Ah fuck!" I moan as she took me out of her mouth and licked my head in circles more.

I hear her in the dark say "you gonna come baby?"

"Fuck yes keep going don't stop." I beg

She continues as she goes faster around with her mouth and pushes me all the way back the back of her throat and sucks and sucks and pumps and pumps.

I buck my hips with her motions and can't hardly stand it anymore.

I release my sweet sticky seed inside of her mouth loudly as I moan and grown arching my back and shaking it all out of me.

"Umm!" she moans as she comes back up and kisses me. I can taste myself on her mouth and that drives me crazy.

I lift her up on to my manhood stiff as a board sliding her down my hard shaft as we both moan with pleasure.

"Ahh fuck!" I moan as she sits straight up on my shaft and I hold her hips.

I thrust my hips hard into her with a loud grunt and she moans as she puts her hands on my chest and rides me like a champ slow then we speed up.

"Ahh fuck uhh uhh shit your so fucking tight baby.."

"Prince uhh shit I love you..fuck me harder and faster baby!"

I pump faster and faster as I flip us over and push her legs up over me and dig deep inside her aching pussy as she moans and screams my name over and over.
The sounds I love to hear. My name screamed over and over. It gets me hotter and more excited.

"Yeah uhh uhh uhh shit..god "

"Prince.. I can't hold it!"

"Not yet momma wait..I'm almost there...ahh shit!"

I thrust into her hard over and over again knowing that we are both about to come and she's going to be sore after this.

With a final few thrusts hard she moans as she comes and squeezed her legs curling her toes and breathing heavily.

"Ohh prince I m I'm ahh shit!"

"Yeah momma I can feel it..umm huh ahhh!" I moan breathing heavily I collapse on my bed next to her.

"Ahh yeah..!" she says after catching her breath.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" I say after catching my breath.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" she says back.

And we lay in each others arm s and fall asleep entangled in each other s body.

Hopefully this will make up for what she was leaving me for. I hope.

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