🔞Dirty Little Secret🔞

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**Established relationship
**phone sex

His p.o.v.

I got a dirty little secret..

Laying here on the private beach I own in California I look out to see my girl in the water playing and having fun.

She wants me to come in with her but I just don't feel like it today. My mind is else where.

On my best friend. She's been there for me when no-one else has and frankly besides my girl is the only true love I have. When I make love to my girl she's all I think about. When were not together she's all I think about.

"Prince come on!" My girl shouts from the edge of the water and beach in her skinny bikini..body looking fine.

"I'm on the phone. Can't you see that?" I shouted over the waves crashing into the rocks.

"Yeah you always on the phone." I hear her say scofting rolling her eyes.

Yeah whatever

So who am I on the phone with you ask? Her. My dirty little secret.

"Yeah she wants me to go swim with her but I'm not into it today..I wish I was laying with you baby." I tell her quietly.

"I know. Won't belong now and we can be together when you get home."

"I didn't even want to come out here in the first damn place but she insisted. You know I just don't know how I'm going to end it with her now."

"You're not backing out on me are you? But you promised."

"No boo I got you but might have to wait longer then I planned. I got to go DELEATE this from my phone so she don't find out."

"Ok baby..I love you Prince."

"I love you too." I say before hanging up and deleating the call from my log.

I really need to think about a password protect on this. No then she will know I'm really hiding something. Going to find out sooner or later. Oh god forgive me.

I walk out to the beach and go up to her kissing her on her lips and wrapping my arms around her waist.

She turns her head away from me.

"What's the matter baby?" I ask her.

"You never want to do amything anymore..You're so boring."

"Well excuse me! I work my ass of on tour I like to come home and relax. I think I have a right too after everything I go through and the stress on my body..to just take it easy. What is so hard to understand about that?" I ask getting annoyed.

"Nothing You're right. I'm sorry forgive me." She apologies kissing me back.

"Let's go inside it's to hot for me out here. Plus I got something I want to show you." I smirk.

"Oh Prince not again! That's like the third time today. I need to recharge." she says looking down at our body's.

"Ok then I'm going in to lay down..stay out..it's cool." I say thinking.

"Ok see you later."

And with that I practically run up the steps and take my suit off and lay in the bed completely naked with just the ceiling fan on. I lay spread eagle relaxed as hell.

I call her back.

"Hi baby!" I say excitedly.

"What are you doing how'd you get away?" She asked confused

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