🔞Sexually Satisfied🔞

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**Established relationship **

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**Established relationship **

Prince p.o.v.

She walked in the bedroom from the bathroom wearing this. I'm laying on the bed. I look up and see her standing at the foot of the bed.

"Jesus baby!" I say to her feeling myself rise under my silk pjs.

"You like it? I bought it just for you today." she smiles.

"Oh hell yes! Trust it won't be on long!" I say biting my lip in an anticipation..crawling to the end of the bed to her.

I kneel on the bed on front of her and take her head in my hands and begin kissing her passionately.

We fall to the bed as we continue kissing.

Our tongues dancing inside each others mouths.

She sat up between my legs and slid her straps down and took her outfit to her stomach.
I rubbed her breasts and circled them with my tongue popping the nipples in and out of my mouth. She moans as I continue as I kiss her stomach.

"Umm Prince!" she moans as I begin to kiss her all over.

I smiled. And rolled her over on her back on the bed. Now straddling her.

We look at another and laugh as I take the rest of her skimpy outfit off of her. She bites her lip in anticipation and smiles.

I throw it on the floor sit up take my bottoms off to reveal my huge erection.

Her eyes wide. "Umm!"

I sit infront of her as I put her legs above my shoulders and ready her for the pussy licking I know she's wanting and I'm wanting to give her. I touch her.

"I see your ready for me too!" I chuckle as I feel how set she is practically dripping all over my fingers as I slide them inside swirling them around.

She grabbed the sheets and tossing her head back and arching her back to my touch.

I part her folds with my tongue inside swirling it around sucking and licking on every part of her.

She moans my name over and over pushing my head further into her body as I go deeper with my task at hand. Moving her hips with my motions and breathing heavily.

I could tell she was getting closer as she starts shaking and moaning louder.

"You cumming baby?" I ask her.

"Yessss!" She moans as I get back down and catch it with my mouth and smile.

"Umm!" I moan and smile as I come back up wipping my chin with the back of my hand and laying on top of her.

I slide myself inside her slowly at first then thrust myself harder and faster..grunting and moaning as we both moan with pleasure. Moving our hips with eachother.

Throwing her legs over me and going in deeper and twist my self inside her. Loving every moment. Not wanting it to ever end. The way the room smells of your sex..the slapping of your body's together. The moaning,grunting and sweating.

"Yeah uhh fuck!" We both moan with pleasure

"Uhh shit uhh shit!" I moan as I can feel myself getting close.

"Ohh God Prince! Don't stop! Faster!" She begs breathless.

I thrust faster and harder inside her my ass bouncing and my back quivering sweat all over my body mixing with hers. Slipping and sliding inside her feeling like she's getting close cause I can feel myself starting to throb and her walls starting to close in on me.

"Uh I m about to come! Oh shit!Oh god!" She moans moving her body with mine.

"Um let it go..all over us!" I moan.

She let's go as I'm about to do the same all over.

"Ohh shit! Ahh!" I moan and grunt stroke a few more times and pull out and release on her stomach and collapse next to her on the bed. Hot sweaty and spent. Satifyed. Smiling big from the work I accomplished.

I look over she had a grin on her face too. Clearly she feels the same.

"Yeah that was amazing. You got anymore of those sexy outfits?" I ask catching my breath.

"Wouldn't you like to know.." she teases.

"Umm I would!" I tease back.

"Maybe later if your a good boy." She chuckles.

"Umm I like the sound of that." I smile.

And we snuggle up and fall asleep in each others arms. Sweaty sticky and satisfied.

🔞Prince One shots. A whole lot of Sex🔞Where stories live. Discover now