A meeting with lydia (mother)

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My surname burden. Maybe my surname actually means something for my life, like how my mother is a burden to me!

My hazy mind started to come back to reality. To the speeding car moving down the empty road; a long winding road which had no cars travelling down it seeming completely abandoned.

My rolled down window let the cool breeze flood through the Cadillac. I looked to my left to see the side of my fathers face.

"Father why must I see the witch?" I questioned my father.

"Because she wants to see you. Believe it or not dear, she misses you." He said whilst still concentrating on the road.

"Pffff, yer right?!" I said, looking back out of the window- feeling the wind blowing through my long brown hair.

It felt like forever until we got there! By mater of fact it was forever!

The long winding road soon turned non existent; turning into roads full of life- full of homes and people.

About another 10 minutes later we finally approached a house which seemed decent. A lady in her late twenties early thirties stood outside of the house.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"That is your mother dear." My dad sighed.

We pulled up in front of the lady and dad got out immediately to get my suitcases. Before he got my suitcases he nodded in the lady's direction, "Lydia." My dad said.

"Jonathan." The lady said back.

I slowly got out of the car and saw the lady's face, which all of a sudden seemed to have lit up.

"My baby girl!" She screamed running around the car towards me!!

She engulfed me in a hug whilst I just stood there with my hands glued to my sides. I stared at my dad who smiled a 'sorry' type smile towards me- and obviously I smiled back! 

She pulled away from me with a huge smile plastered on her face, "you don't know how much I've missed you." She said.

I didn't know how to reply to her. She then turned to my father, "not much of a talker is she?" She asked my father.

"Actually she is very talkative, she just doesn't know you." My father said 'matter of fact'.

Lydia looked to the ground.

"You know she could just come home with me, I mean why care now when you never have before?" My father stated.

Lydia stood besides me, "you hid her from me?! I wanted to see my daughter but you hid her from me?!" She screamed at my dad.

I tried to move away from Lydia however it was near enough impossible, she had a dead grip on me.

"Whatever." My dad said whilst walking towards me.

He came over and kissed my forehead, "I will pick you up in a months time, okay baby?" My dad said with his concerned fathers eyes.

"....okay...." I slowly said.

My father then got in his car and with one last glance he drove away.

I went over and grabbed my bags before heading in with Lydia close behind me, "do you want me to carry any bags?" She asked.

I just shook my head as she sighed.

I walked through the double doors to be greeted with a modern interior design, "do you like it?" Lydia asked.

I just shrugged my shoulders  as a response- as she sighed yet again.

I looked around and I think Lydia got the memo, "your room is upstairs on the right at the end of the corridor." She said.

Bingo! I hastily moved my way through the house with my bags dragging me down.

I came to double doors and opened them to see a white and black room, which had lots of light emitting from the floor to ceiling window on the far right and left side of the room. An ensuite and walk-in-wardrobe attached to the room the doors to enter them where on the wall where the entrance to the room is.

I dumped my bags at the end of the bed and jumped in the bed, enjoying the silky comfiness of the sheets below.

Sleep slowly consuming me. Until I finally passed out on the bed.

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