Blood sucking demons

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I awoke, seeing some sunlight emerging through the little gaps in the curtains.
I tried to get up and was successful, it only took like a million attempts.
I let out a huge yawn and went over to open up the curtain; however before I could open up the curtain, I heard whispers coming from the corridor.
My curiosity had gotten to me which enticed me to walk towards the doors which led to the corridor.

I slowly opened the doors and smiled at what I presumed was one of the maids; she was petite and had a beautiful complexion.

"Morning." I said happily.

The maid jumped at my sudden voice, which caused her to turn to face me.

What I saw made me gasp!

Upon further inspection, it was obvious she had been starved; every bone was clearly visible. Her ghostly white skin making it seem like she hasn't seen the sun in a while; I mean it almost made her seem like she's dead.

"Oh my...." I let out.

"Morning miss." The maid said quietly, not daring to meet my gaze.

"What happened to you?!" I asked shocked.

That question seemed to have enticed the maid to gaze into my eyes but looking into her eyes only made it worse, she had blazing red eyes staring widely at me.

"Your eyes." I said quietly, as I was shocked by them.

The maid then fully pulled me out into the hallway.

"You must leave!" She whispered.


Her eyes started to beg, "please miss, you must leave or else you will be cursed to live in this castle for all eternity." She whispered.

"What do you mean?" I asked utterly confused.

"Their blood sucking demons! They will kill you and then you will be forced to serve them and used as a blood bag." She whispered with her eyes continuing to plead.

"Please miss." She begged once more.

"VENELOPE?!" I heard a voice boom.

The maids eyes widened more, "you must leave now! Before it's too late!" She demanded.

And just like that she was gone. Vanishing before my very eyes.

My curiosity led me down the corridor, following where I heard the booming voice.

I continued to walk until I heard hushed voices coming from a room.

I looked through the little slither of a crack through the door.

The room I was looking at seemed like a large office.

I saw Xavier's father pushing Venelope up against the desk.

"You've made me mad again." Xavier's father whispered into her ear.

Just watching this made me feel all icky.

"I'm sorry..." Venelope said in a quite voice.

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