Meeting Xaviers parents

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The rest of the school day went by like a breeze.

Before I knew it I was getting out my final lesson, that is until Xavier decided to show up.

"You have detention." He said.

I just shrugged my shoulders as a response. I mean I was no bad ass but I seriously couldn't be asked, after all I did apologise for being late!

I walked past Xavier and towards where the entrance was, "come over to mine." He blurted out.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I said come over to mine." He said louder so I could hear.

"I could hear you I just don't understand why." I concluded.

"Just cause." He said with a dashing smile.

"Sure?" I asked uncertainly; as it was a strangers house I would be going to.

"Yer, come on lets go." He said whilst grabbing ahold of my hand.

His hand sent electricity to spark in my hand and up my arm. I must admit it was an odd but pleasing feeling.

I looked down to our intwined hands, feeling entranced.

Before I knew it we were standing besides his car.

And like any gentleman he held my door open for me.

I held my head down and blushed a bit at the kind gesture.

Once in the car he went over to his side and got in.

My eyes then locked with his, "you sure about me coming over?" I asked still unsure.

"Yer, no one will mind. " he brushed it off. I nodded my head as a reply.

I looked out the window staring at the trees we went passed as we cascaded ourselves amongst the thick trees.

Getting deeper and deeper into the unknown.

About half way through the car journey I could feel Xavier's eyes looking at me, "eyes on the road." I said too distracted in the forests beauty.

I heard him huff which made me chuckle a little.

"You have a beautiful laugh." Xavier commented which made my cheeks blush furiously.

Once we got to his house I gawked. He lived in a mansion; let me rephrase that, a castle.

My mouth hung open as I took in the size of the castle. It was gigantic.

I didn't realise what was happening until my door opened which let a cool breeze fill the insides of the car. Which quickly caused me to be shot back into reality.

I rubbed my eyes quite a bit trying to see if I was just imagining all this. But after every try I still saw the huge castle standing in front of me.

"Are you gonna get out of the car?" Xavier asked beside me.

"Sure." I said, too captivated by the castles beauty.

I walked up to the grand doors and I heard the car door being shut behind me.

I looked at the grand doors rather confused on what I should do. I mean I never thought a guy like Xavier lived in a castle, but then again they do say don't judge a book by its cover.

Xavier came from behind me and opened the doors to reveal a very grand interior.

Golden chandeliers cascaded down from the high ceilings. White marble flooring covered the floor. A beautiful golden and white wallpaper complemented the whole thing.

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