The grey eyed boy

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I couldn't tell what the boy looked like as I could only see his silhouette.

From what I could tell he was tall, but then again I am sitting on the floor. He was muscular, anyone could tell by his large body structure.

Then I saw those eyes; those stormy grey eyes which held me captive in its intense gaze.

He held out his hand for me to grasp.

I warily took it and slowly got up into my own two feet.

Before I could say anything he spoke, "watch were your going next time." And with that said he was gone.

If you would have blinked you would have missed him disappear around the corner at an unusual speed.

I trudged over to the main doors of the school and walked home.

A month with my mother and I still had to go to school, typical! Could this place become any less appealing, I mean this place is so dull; even the people here are unhappy.

I eventually made it back to my 'mothers' house and quickly made my way up into my room.

What I didn't expect was Lydia sitting on my bed, "how was school darling?" She said now standing up.

I just shrugged, she sighed again.

"When will you talk to me?" She asked.

I shrugged again, to be honest I don't want to.

"Well, I will go and make dinner." She smiled before leaving.

I don't want dinner; but I ain't going to tell her that.

So instead I quickly change into leggings, a top and my trainers and made a note for Lydia; telling her I was going on a run.

I dropped the note on my bed and ran out the house.

The sun was now setting behind the far hills, creating a red hue to emit across the sky.

I carried on running down the now darkening roads. Letting the evening breeze pinch at my light skin.

I decided to take a quick stop when I made it to a random corner shop; to get a drink.

I walked into the quaint shop which was very dimly lit, which could have been guessed to have been shut but it was open.

I walked down the isle with all the drinks and I grabbed a water and went to the checkout.

Whilst at the checkout I got an uncomfortable feeling.

There wasn't anyone here.

The dimly lit shop was completely void of life.

I stood there waiting for someone to come out from out back but no one came.

So I guessed they just didn't hear me so I shouted, "hello, is there anyone here?"

I know, very cliché for a horror movie.

I felt a gush of wind go past me, which sent an unpleasant chill up my spine.

"Yes dear?" A man said whilst standing behind me.

"I came to buy some water." I said whilst holding up the bottle.

"Is that so." The man said in a monotone voice.

This man seriously is freaking me out.

"Yes." I quietly said, his breath now fanning my neck.

"W-what are you doing?" I stuttered.

"Shhh." He said whilst pulling me closer towards him.

"You know pretty girls like yourself shouldn't be out at this time of night." He said in his creepy tone.

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