Xavier's plea

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My temper had became so bad that I didn't even realise I had already made it home. I had stormed up the stairs and before I knew it, I was engulfed with sleep.
I had woken up in the morning, feeling really groggy. It was most probably because of yesterday.

I feel as though I have been permanently scarred from what I had witnessed.

"Morning sweetheart!" My mother said joyfully.

Her joyfulness quickly deteriorating once she saw my facial expression.

"What did they do to you?" She asked, whilst running to my side.

"Who?" I asked. I had hoped she didn't know I left.

"Xavier, it doesn't take much of a guess. I mean he always gets all the girls, so when I heard my next door neighbour say you were with him; it didn't surprise me." She sighed.

Her statement had somehow angered me, "why wouldn't it surprise you?!" I seethed.

She gave me a perplexed look, "isn't it obvious. Your a gorgeous girl who I knew would get chosen by Xavier." She stated as if it was really that obvious.

She then let out a sigh, "well, you have to get ready for school so I suggest you hurry!" She said happily before leaving my room.

Something's off, I can tell.

So with that thought continuously nagging me; I got ready for school.

I made the short distance to the school and stared at it, behind those doors laid people or whatever you want to call them.

I made small and slow steps to try and stop the inevitable.

I had made it to the door and was about to open it but a hand reached out and stopped me from opening it further.

"We need to talk." I heard his dauntingly velvety voice speak.

My eyes grew wide and I decided that my only option was run.

I ran around the side of the building which lead to the football field. However I got stopped, an arm wrapping itself around my upper arm.

I was then forcefully turned around to see those dauntingly beautiful grey eyes however they weren't as vibrant as I remember, they seem more dull.

"I'm sorry about my father but you mustn't judge me by him." Xavier pleaded, still gripping onto my arm.

I let out a chuckle, "yer like I would believe you! Go and get another girl because I am not going to believe the rubbish you say!" I ended up shouting.

His face contorted into one of pain, "it wasn't like that for me."

This boy is seriously sickening.

"Wasn't like that for you?! You groomed girls into believing you actually cared but in the end you just used them and turned them into sick freaks like you are?!" I shouted.

He let out a breathe, "yer but those girls aren't like you." He explained.

I rolled my eyes, "so I'm just a 'special' girl that you would have locked up in a tower were your the only one who could feed from me?!" I stated.

He let out a sigh of frustration, "that wasn't exactly a no!" I said before trying to take his vice like grip off of me.

He didn't let go and instead pulled me towards him, "what are y-" however I was cut off by his lips.

His lips pressed passionately against my own, trying to show that he really did care about me.

He pressed harder after he realised i wasn't going to kiss him back, demanding a response.

My brain then flung itself out of the window and all rational thinking had quickly subsided, right now it was just me and him.

I lunged myself forward in his arms and kissed him with all I had.

A growl of approval had erupted from within him, which caused me to smile against his lips.

My back then made contact with the wall as he moved his hands all over my body.

"Break it up!" I heard a loud squeak shout out.

This instantly brought both of us back into reality.

I looked into those stormy grey eyes and then looked around to see members of staff staring sternly at the both of us.

Xavier must have sensed my uneasiness or something because the next thing I saw was a back, Xavier's back to be more precise.

"My father wouldn't be happy!" Xavier said loudly and that was pretty much it.

Xavier turned around and stared down at me with loving eyes, "their gone now." He said, his comment making me look around my surroundings; and like he said, there was nobody.

I looked back up at him to see a huge smile plastered across his face, "now where were we?" He said rhetorically.

He leaned in and all my rational thinking quickly came back to me and the next thing I knew, I slapped him.

I slapped him hard across the face and anger arose within me, "just because we kissed means nothing! You are still the same monster as before and here's a thought, why don't you go and find another girl to make as your slave!" I spat with venom.

His face showed one expression, hurt.

"Now leave me alone!" I demanded before storming off, far away from him.

I had the usual lessons and nothing really happened in them, it consisted of the same thing and the same boring lecture; like usual.

Before I knew it, it was time to go home.

I had grabbed my stuff from my locker and turned around to be greeted with a chest.

"I need to show you something." Xavier said in a cold tone.

This particular tone made shivers run up my spine and no, it wasn't the good kind!

"Like hell I'm going anywhere with you!" I said bitterly.

He didn't take that as an answer though and I was eventually greeted with his back.

"You can't just carry me to wherever you want?!" I shouted out.

I heard him chuckle, "love, I can do whatever I want." He said in a wicked tone.

Maybe I made him a tad bit upset but he was the one who angered me?!

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