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Mccree looked unnerved when we landed at the drop off. He, at all times, had his hand on his gun and was uttering for me to stay close, yet I didn't question him. I jumped down in this abandoned science room it seemed and armed myself with an arrow just incase.

The leader, Jack Morrison, cleared the place out while Genji stood guard of me. I could no bring myself to look into his eyes. I wondered if he even had eyes.

Mccree came back, "all clear." He announced with Jack.

"Now keep your eyes out for any sort of moment, if you see anything give a yell." We walked outside after I was equip with some sort of eye divice that lead me to the payload. I looked around.

"I shall find a tall building to set myself on." I declared heading away. Someone grabbed me. "!..."

"Yer not going anywhere partner."

"Do you want me to be helpful or not?" I spat. He looked at Morris who nodded. He let me go, and I began to run off again.

"Wait!" I stopped, rolled my eyes, and turned around to great Jesse. "Just, be safe. If something goes wrong call for me, I'll be there in a flash."

"Thank you, I understand." I grouched.



"Be safe.." I slowly nodded then headed off again. I climbed onto a neatly set building with a ledge and squatted down. This whole place was just felt weird.

I was just to the side of the payload while a few other of these Overwatch people went out ahead to look while the rest stayed to start up the payload.

I could easily shoot both of them and run for it, but then again that would make getting the rest especially Jack Morrison way harder. I have a feeling he already knows why I'm here. There a strange vibe I get when he looks at me. Almost smug.

"Here they come!" One with shouted after arming the payload. I felt the vibrations through the building, and I armed myself and shot an arrow into a build nearly hitting one of the men. "Hey!" One of them shouted glaring up at me.

"Wait.... There's the glowing red silhouettes through the wall..." another murmured. The one who complained looked up at me and I looked down at him briefly. What they didn't know was that now I could see where the team members were. AKA, my targets.

Suddenly gun fire exploded in outrage as shouting and demands rang out. I aimed and fired an arrow which released more and injured the omnics that started to come pouring through.

"Everyone get back! Escort the payload! Go! Now!" It was solider again. I fired hitting them right in the neck breaking them down and causing them to burst on impact. I ran along with the pay load. This was too far away, I needed to get closer. I took the risking and jumped down on the payload landing on my feet. I quickly arming myself as I was in a very vulnerable state. I was quick, and nimble with my moments.

"Behind you Hanzo!" Genji shouted I grabbed an arrow and stabbed it in the neck kicking it off I turned back around and stabbed another the crackling sound along with smoke and sparks erupted from this thing. I grimaced as oil spilled from it. I kicked it off again and ducked as the gun fire shot from all directions. I turned around. Solider was occupied fighting hand to hand combat with another one of these things. It was the perfect opportunity. I aimed carefully. If I missed, I would hit the robot and it would still be fine, if anything gain trust. If Morrison died so would Overwatch. I slowed my breath keeping a steady arm I was about to let go when:

"HANZO!" A familiar voice shouted and I was knocked off of the payload and onto the floor. With my arrow still in my hand I readied to stab whoever this was. But when I looked, it was Mccree staring wide eyed down at me. Before coving me completely with his body as more gunfire and yelling erupted. "Don't move! You were out there like a sittin' duck!" He shouted over the gun fire. I punished him off and got up frustrated.

"Thanks I guess..." I muttered slightly. I had the perfect shot.

"Now hold on there darlin' I just saved your life I'm gonna need more than that!" I started firing off again as Mccree decided to have a chat.

"Now is not the time to chat!"

"Easy there partner I--" I turned around aiming. His eyes widen and he ducked. I shot killing a omnic running up behind him. He then looked behind himself before slowly rising up.

"Now we are even." I grinned.

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