"With every death comes honor..."

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the door swung open "HOLY SHIT!" I shouted. It was Solider with genji! When I turned back to Gabriel his arm was bleeding and he fell back groaning. 

"Stay where you are!" Solider shouted aiming his gun at Gabriel. The dark man just smiles and evaporated in the darkness. Solider fired off again. "Shit..."

I then realized it. Hanzo....he wasn't lying. "H-Hanzo..." Genji undid his restraints with his sword and held him up. 

"I-I'm fine..." he muttered 

"Brother are you injured?" 

"N-No...." Genji let him go and he leaned against the wall. 

"Hurry up Genji." Solider ordered. He undid my restraints and I ran over to Hanzo and hugged him tightly he gasped in pain. 

"Sorry, oh god I'm so sorry Hanzo. Look at me." He slowly lifted his head. I could tell how pained he was. 

"M-Mccree...i-its ok, I'm fine. I would of done the same t-thing." I frowned 

"We gotta move!" Solider said urgently. I started off next to hanzo as Genji stayed up with Solider. We had been running for one a few seconds when I heard a thud and I realized hanzo wasn't next to me anymore

"Han--" I stopped and looked behind me, "HANZO!" He had fallen and the wall was smeared with his blood. Everyone stopped as I ran back to him. "H-Hanzo....come on get up darlin'" he was covering his side with his blood covered hand. Gabriel must've been startled when the door opened and aimed lower accidentally firing off.

"J-Jesse." He held his hand out and I took it though it was bloody.

"H-hey come on let's get up now partner. You're gonna make it." He smiles faintly and his eyes flickered with tears. 

"I-it's ok...Jesse it's ok..." I started to Tear up. "I've asked for death  s-so many times...but now that its happened..." he looked to the side. "I'm scared." 

" don't talk like that. You're gonna fucking make it Hanzo!" I was in full blown tears.

"Jesse." He put his hand on my face lightly. "It's ok.." 

"It ain't ok! It ain't!" I cried. 

"I'm not as scared though...you're with me. So I'm ok..." he smiled faintly and looked into my eyes, "do not fear. Y-you fool...my honor will never fade." I looked down, "Jesse?"

"Y-yes darlin'?" 

"You're not so bad for a wanna be cowman..." I laughed slightly and sniffed as he smiled back at me. 

"You ain't so bad for a Shimada...." he rolled his eyes slightly. Even through this he still had sass.

"Jesse...I..." he was starting to struggle now and his face was getting paler. 

"Yes my darlin' what is it?" 

"Jesse...I...I love...." he rested his head down, 

"N-No, Hanzo? Tell me what is it?" his eyes closed and his last tear fell from his face. His hand lost its strength and fell to the floor open handed. He was cold as eye and he looked white at snow. My eyes widened and I shook him. "No...hun come on..." he still just laid.

"No...no Hanzo come on, hanzo wake up! This ain't funny! Darlin' wake up! P-Please." I cried outrageously I threw a fit of screaming and crying burying my face into his hair.  "No god damn it this isn't how it was supposed to be! Hanzo! N-no..." the two behind me let me cry and roar with anger until Genji put a hand on my shoulder. "W-We can't leave him..." I holding onto him tightly. 

"We certainly will not." Solider said. I took off my shawl and put it around him as I picked him up. I then slowly took off my hat and placed it on him. I stayed silent. 

Genji looked equally upset as we walked in silence. There was a helicopter waiting for us.

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