Bar Flirt

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A few minutes past, maybe five to ten. But the worst thing about it was that many people came up to me trying to start conversations. But I was about to leave when the familiar sound of clacking boots walked up behind me.

"Hey Darlin'~" I turned around and my eyes widened. He had changed. He was wearing a purple silky button down that wasn't exactly buttoned all the way, he was rocking black pants along with his boot and his same cowboy hat. 

"M-McCree? When did you change?"

"Right after you clocked me on the head." He grinned. I frowned not amused that he had kept me waiting.

"So you changed and left me here to deal with drunken woman AND MEN who were trying to start a conversation." McCree furrowed his brows with his cigar lit.

"Pardon? They still here?" I shrugged. 

"I told then politely where to stick it and they went off." He grinned and sat down. 

"Charming." He raised his hand snapping his finger and ordered two unfamiliar drinks. "Say, why'd you emphasize 'men?' When you said what'cha did?" I froze. Oh no, he caught onto that? Damn...

"Well, it's not normal is it?" I tried, he frowned and rested on his forearms leaning in to me.

"It ain't uncommon to me." He warned. I held my breath. "What? You don't like men?"

"T-That's not what I said!--" I cut myself off as a mischievous smile appeared on his face. 

"Mh~ seemed I just wrangled a wild horse..." 

"A-ah..that's not what I meant either!" 

"You sure?" He leaned in closer inches away from my face. I felt my face heat up. Then a shock ran though my body as his warm lips hit against mine. I stared at his calm and collected face. His eyes were closed. 


I punched him across the jaw and got up "RYŪ GA WAGA TEKI WO KURAU!!!" I shouted before storming to the other side of the bar leaving both of us dazed and confused and one of us injured. 

I leaned against the wall and took out my hair from its holding place letting it fall to my shoulders. I huffed. I can't astray from my task. I can't let him get to me, he can't! He won't.... 

I glanced back over, he was sitting at the bar with hat tilted down. I started to feel bad. I stepped forward, then shook my head. No I'm not doing that. I told myself looking down. But he looks really upset. Besides we had such a great time in the helicopter....I was really mean. I bit my bottom lip and slowly walked over to him and sat next to him, he didn't look at me and I knew I had messed up.

"Sorry--" we both said in unison. We then looked at each other with him slowly grinning.

"Pardon me." He said sliding a mug down to me, I stared at the liquid then at him. "Just try it." He mused. I picked it up with both hands and sipped it lightly. I cringed and shook my head. Setting it down

"That is not appealing to me...." he laughed slightly. "It is too bitter for my liking..."

"It's almost as bitter as you then?" He joked. I frowned slightly, "still don't override the sweetness though." I blushed slightly and looked away. When I did I felt a warm hand mess with my hair. "I don't know how you keep it so soft." I looked back at him and folded my arms over one another on the table. 

"Mh~ ever heard of a brush?" I teased.

"Hey don't you be hatin' on my rugged cowboy look."

"Ok mister try-hard." I teased again. He stared me down.

"Shorty~" I got ready to smack him but he gave me a look that told me I'd be in big trouble if I did. I put my hand down. 


"Cowman? What's a cowman? You calling' me fat?" He asked playfully glaring.

"n-no!" I cowarded back but he just got closer.

"Pardon you I'm a muscly man. I could break outta my shirt right now if I flexed." I snickered and picked up the mug unintentionally. 

"Oh really?" I asked sipping, then I remembered how it tasted and spat it back in. "Ew...." he laughed and shook his head. I could tell he was getting drunk by the smell and the slurring of words. 

"I'm telling ya Shimada," and also he was calling me "shimada" now. "You...go some sass on your plate. And darlin' that ain't pretty. I'd be willing to wrangle it outta ya if you'd like~" I rolled my eyes. 

"What are you intentions...." I leaned back cautiously. 

"Ahh, nothin' sugartits." I harderened.

"Sugar tits?! RYŪ GA WA--" right when I was going to stick an arrow in his neck he put his hand on my mouth.

"Shh~" I slapped it off.

"You're drunk."  I said while wiping my mouth.

"Mhhh, naahhhh~" he slurred, "I've only had like what?" He thought for a second looking up, "five beers, maybe eight I can't remember." I rolled my eyes and sighed, this is the part where I drag him home.

"We're leaving." 

"What?~" he complained. "But we just got here!~"

"And you just got too drunk to stand now come on."

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