Chapter Eleven

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(Harry's POV)

"Hello?" I spoke into the receiver of my phone, grabbing hold of Niall's hand so I didn't lose him in the crowd. 

"Harry? It's Louis. You need to come home right now," the voice of my best friend was quiet in my ear, getting drowned out by the commotion on the street. 

"Why?" I asked, my heart rate speeding up a little. I continued shoving past people with Niall, almost at the end of the sidewalk. 

"John's here," Louis said, sounding a bit worried. Speeding up a little, we finally got through the last little crowd of people. We turned the corner onto Berwick, the human traffic immediately dying down. I let go of Niall's hand, leaving a cold vacancy. I thought I heard him whimper but I just kept staring straight ahead, my legs going faster and faster.

"I'm on my way home now," I replied, removing the phone from my ear and ending the call. I shoved it back in my pocket and stopped to turn to Niall.

"What's going on?" He asked, his eyes holding a confused look. 

"Louis needs me," I half lied. "But I'll call you later okay?"

He smiled, but seemed sad to watch me leave. "Okay. Talk to you later, then."

I let go of his warm hand and turned, jogging down Berwick and onto the next street. I felt bad for just leaving him there on the sidewalk. I hadn't wanted to leave at all, I could spend hours on end with him. 

What is he doing to me? I noticed last night that I can't get angry around him. Well, maybe I can. I haven't been around him long enough to tell. But I definitely want to figure it out. 

I'm not gay. I know I'm not. I've never, ever looked at a guy the way I look at girls. Then what is it with Niall? Do I like him or am I just... 

I don't know. 

For a moment, I feel disgusted with myself. How could I even think about possibly liking a guy? A guy. It's not ordinary, it's not how it's supposed to be. But fuck, Niall is hot. What is happening to me? Am I suddenly gay? 

Have I always been?

Confusing thoughts after confusing thoughts filled my head. My mind fought with my heart over this boy, and I haven't even known him for 24 hours. 

I pushed everything to the back of my mind as I reached my apartment building. The same old boring elevator music greeted me as the thick metal doors slid shut. I stood there tapping my foot and watching the red numbers above the door count up from 1 slowly. When it finally got to 6, I exited the elevator and quickly walked to my apartment door, shoving my keys into it.

 The smell of weed quickly surrounded me as I entered my flat, making sure the door was closed behind me. 

"Lou?" I called out. I placed my keys and phone onto the kitchen table. 

"In here," I heard a voice call back from the living room. I noticed one of my bongs was gone from the counter, rolling my eyes. I walked through the kitchen and turned the corner into the living room. 

Louis and John were both sat on my couch, a bong sitting in front of them on the coffee table. The smell of weed was stronger in here, signalling that they probably took a few rips before I had gotten home. 

"Why did you need me home so bad?" I asked, looking between John and Louis. I took my seat in the small leather recliner across from the couch so I could look them straight on. 

"I think I'm going to start up here again," Louis said, a smile playing on his lips.

"Ah, yes," John added. "You and Louis can be partners from now on. You can share your pay."

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