Chapter Thirty-Three

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Louis' head shot around, his cold eyes locking on mine. Harry's grip had fallen from my arm, he was standing behind me with shock written on his face. Louis still held the gun to Zayn, and halfway across the room, Zayn had his gun to Louis as well.

"He knows you?" Louis asked, his eyes scanning from my face to Zayn's.

"You know him?" Harry growled from behind me. My mouth was still wide open. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"What are you doing here?" Zayn asked, his accent thick and cold.

"This is my house?" I questioned. I stepped forward, but Harry stuck out his arm and pulled me back by my waist. Zayn's face fell. He looked around him, backing up slowly to peer into the living room, gun still on us.

He looked back to me. "I thought you moved?"

I gulped. Shit.

Zayn's face turned to a scowl. He came forward again, motioning with his gun to Louis and Harry. "What the hell are you doing with these two?"

"What the hell are you doing in my house?" I spoke loudly enough to make Louis step sideways with a wince. "With a fucking gun?"

"Keeping watch. In case these two scumbags came back," Zayn spat, scowling at Louis.

Louis stepped forward, his finger on the trigger. "Wanna say that again, Malik?"

My eyes widened. "Wait, wait. You guys know each other?"

"You guys know each other?" Harry questioned, stepping up beside me.

"Of course I know Niall," Zayn said, his voice holding a hint of annoyance. "He broke my fucking heart."

I heard Harry's breath catch in his throat, but I ignored it. My face turned red, anger bellowing inside me. I marched forward to Zayn, ripping the pistol out of his hands and throwing it onto the island beside me. "I broke your heart? Are you serious?"

Louis and Harry came forward as well, the gun still cocked in Louis' hands. Harry's face was unreadable, but his eyes held anger. "He's your ex?"

Zayn rolled his eyes, ignoring Harry and glared at me. "It was all your fault. If you weren't so dramatic and mentally disabled, I would've stayed."

"Hey!" Louis yelled, pushing the gun into the side of Zayn's temple. "Don't fucking talk to Niall like that!"

"You're such a drama queen, Zayn. It wasn't me! You left me because I called the cops on you!" I yelled.

"You wouldn't have left me anyways," Zayn said, scoffing. "You needed me."

Harry pushed me out of the way, stepping right up to Zayn, who held a bored look on his face. "Shut the fuck up, Malik. I swear to god he will pull that trigger."

"Niall wouldn't let you do it," Zayn smirked cockily.

I rolled my eyes in disgust. Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me away, through the hallway and up the stairs. I didn't hesitate to follow, I wanted to get away from Zayn. From that monster.

Harry softly pushed me into my bedroom and shut the door behind him. My heart was beating fast, and for some reason I was afraid.

He noticed. Harry stepped forward, his hand reaching out to stroke my cheek. All the fear washed from my body. His green eyes were so warm, making me feel like I was melting from his touch. My heart rate returned to normal. My breathing wasn't as quick.

"Niall," Harry whispered softly, but still hard enough to know this was serious.

I gulped. I knew exactly what he was going to ask. I sighed and looked at me feet, Harry's hand pulling away from my face. "We dated for almost a year." I said quietly. Harry walked to my bed and sat down, I followed. He grabbed my hands and pulled me in between his legs, looking up at me as I tried to figure out what to say.

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