Section Three

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"Kishinuma! Unhand me this instant!"

Morishige didn't raise his voice, but his tone was like a hiss. He wasn't messing around.

"Because I don't have time for this, either. But Mochida was too frightened to confront you. So he contacted me. And I'm delaying my plans for this. Therefore, both of our lives would be simpler if you release me."

The blond-haired teen didn't let go of Morishige, but loosened his grip on him.

"Oh, yeah?! Well, you don't even know what happened...!"

"So... Take a deep breath and calmly explain the situation."

Kishinuma did as he was told, and inhaled.

Then exhaled.

"Okay... So it was a normal day on the job. I didn't have much to do when it happened..."

"What exactly DID happen?"

"...Shinozaki stopped by to visit me. It was like... The first time ever. And I was... Well, that doesn't matter. We were just chewing the fat when suddenly... A gang of thugs showed up. They busted the windows and doors. Their leader was a real stick, and he took her. He had duct tape, and he silenced her screams with it. They had rope, too. Tied all of her up to the hood of their pretty little blue truck. And I was mad."

"...So you went after them?"

"HECK YEAH I DID! Those jerk wads weren't gonna get away with any bull crap on my watch!"

"I see. What happened afterwards?"

"What do you think happened, Morishige?"

"You initiated combat. I know. I mean the details."

"...I gave em all shiners, for one thing. Dang them! They had it comin'!"

"Kishinuma... Calm down, alright?"


"We'll find her, so don't worry. Now, why don't you lead the way? Take us in the direction they went."


With that, the two began running off.

Stolen Away --  A Corpse Party FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now