Section Eight

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A week passed.

Kishinuma was still mourning over the loss of Ayumi...

He spent most of his time alone. He wasn't going to school or work, and he wasn't allowing visitors... Not even his dear younger sister.

Late at night, he would cry and scream.

"S-Shinozaki... I... I should've told you..."

And then he would pause.

"...How much you meant to me..."

It was going to take a while for him to get himself back together. However, if there was anything Satoshi Mochida knew, it was that his best friend WOULD get back to it.

Mayu confronted him one day, and he just offered a small smile.

"No need to worry about Yoshiki. He's a strong guy. It'll take time, but I know he'll be just fine."

As for what they did with the body...

Morishige got a hold of her family and asked what he should do.

"Oh... Cremation? I suppose I can handle that..."

He did as he was told and burned the corpse. It oddly didn't faze him.

"How strange... Seeing the corpse of someone I knew... And I'm not bothered at all."

He decided to shrug it off. He had something else to do now.

Morishige made his way to a regular park bench. This is where he had been told to wait.

"Mayu... She's running late. That's unlike her..."

Regardless, he remained calm and waited patiently for Mayu to arrive. She did within half an hour.

"Sorry I'm late, Shig! I had some issues with traffic! There are more people around here than normal."

He couldn't help but smile.

"It's alright. You made it, and that's all that matters."

She returned the smile and clinged onto his arm. She couldn't help it... It was a habit.

"So... Shig... What did you want to talk about?"

His gaze was at the sky when he began speaking.

"...I just wanted to thank you."

"Huh? What for?"

"Last week... You literally saved my life. If you hadn't followed me, I would've died for sure. And... That means a lot to me... And it means even more that it was you..."

"...What do you mean by that?"

"...I wasn't frightened or anything... Just lonely. Uh..."

"Oooo, whaaaaat?"

He felt his face get red again.

"...I was just... Uhhh... Ahhh..."

"Hehe, it's okay, Shig! I know what you're thinking... Don't worry, though. I know how you feel!"

"...Y-you do?"

"Yeah... Because the reason I came after you is the exact same thing! I was thinking about you the entire time... And I wanted to save you for a change... I had this feeling in my gut... That you were in danger... So I trusted it."

"...O-oh... W-well... I'm really glad you did, Mayu. Thanks..."

"You're we--"

Before she could finish, she was interrupted by a tingling sensation.

What was happening...?

Her eyes focused again and she noticed Morishige, and how he was a lot closer than normal...


She figured it out quickly.

His lips were against hers, and her face got warm.

She then returned it, and it only lasted a few more seconds.

But she enjoyed it.

He pulled away, and his face was redder than ever before. She couldn't help but laugh.

"Shig, your face is really red!"

"...Gah...! I'm sorry...!"

"What's there to be sorry about? Are you assuming I hated it?"

"Um... Y-yes..."

"Hehe, well... You're wrong this time!"


After that, they didn't really say anything. They just sat on the bench for a long while... and this time, he grabbed a hold of her arm, too.

Meanwhile, Kizami bled so badly from Mayu's punches that he died.

Satoshi continued to try to cheer Yoshiki up, until it eventually worked.

Ms. Yui continued doing her job as normal, but she felt like there was a hole in her heart without a student...

Seiko silently grieved. But she had Naomi to keep her company, and that's all she could really ask for.

The end.

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