Section Five

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The sky was getting a lot darker. Time must have gone by quickly.

Morishige continued to follow Kishinuma as he ran.

But... He saw something up ahead, and decided to warn him.



"Look. There's something up ahead."

Kishinuma stopped running and focused on where Morishige's eyes were fixated.

It was a dim, yellow light.

"Perhaps this is where they went? It's extremely likely, so I suggest we proceed with caution."

"Yeah yeah, Morishige... I get it."

"I'm glad you agree. Now... I don't want you to just burst into violence... So why don't I go investigate on my own for now?"

"Dude, that's a terrible idea! Those punks will cream you!"

"Ridiculous notions you have. Don't worry, we can signal each other. For example... When I'm ready for you to come over."

"Okay, genius. What's the signal gonna be? I'm not a mind reader."

"Hmm... Three claps. Trust me."

"But that'll sound suspicious, huh?"

"Once again, a ridiculous notion. Of course not. I'm keeping a fair distance from them. But I will get close enough to see what's happening to the class rep. Fair enough?"

"Oh, I guess..."

"Alright. You wait here, and just try to blow off some steam while no one is around to get hurt."

Morishige then began running again. He stayed focused on the dim light, and as he got closer, it became brighter and brighter.


Morishige could barely make out a group of young men up ahead. They appeared to be wearing all black, and some of them had weapons in their hands.

One of them had a knife, someone else had a gun...

There was even one with a hatchet.

"This is extreme," he whispered to himself.

"Ah! Who's there, uh?"

Dang. I need to hide.

Morishige looked around and noticed a patch of bushes nearby.

Go, quickly, or they'll find you.

He shuffled over to the bushes as quietly as he could. He then brought his hands together.



And suddenly, just as he was about to finish the signal, everything went black.

Stolen Away --  A Corpse Party FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now