Section Four

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"...Ahh... A-ahhh..."

Mayu had to stop and breathe. She had a killer stitch. She held her left side and wheezed.

"This... This is why I don't run..."

Once she regained her breath, Mayu examined her surroundings. Oddly enough, not many people were around.

"Where could he have gone...?"

She began walking again, and she only made it a few steps before she heard a voice calling out for her.


Surprised, and a bit startled, Mayu turned around to see a fellow classmate of hers.

"Ah, Shinohara! What brings you here?"

The bubbly girl beamed at Mayu.

"Ah, I'm waiting for Naomi. We are supposed to meet in this exact spot, and then we are going shopping! What about you?"

"Oh, well... I'm trying to find Shig. See, he got this phone call from Mochida, and apparently Kishinuma got in a really bad fight. I'm worried about both of them--"

"Correction, Suzume. You're worried about Morishige."

"That's not true! You know I care about both of them!"

"Hehe, I know. I'm just messin' with ya. So... That's why you're all sweaty. Were you running?"

"Yes! It's awful, Shinohara!"

"Well, I luckily have a water bottle with me. You can take it."

She smiled and handed the bottle over.

"T-thank you!"

"No problem! Now... LET'S GO FIND OUR FRIENDS!"

"Wait, what...?"

Mayu took a giant gulp of water before continuing.

"Uh-huh! I'm gonna help you find them! YEAAAAAH!"

"Are you sure? It sounds kind of dangerous..."


Shinohara tried her best to imitate Mayu's voice.

"'Anything for Shige-nii!' Isn't that right? Hmm? I respect that, and want to help! Plus, Kishinuma is involved. A DOUBLE WHAMMY."

"...Once again, thank you."

"Think nothing of it!"

Then, all of a sudden, Shinohara brought her fingers to her mouth and whistled loudly. A taxi shortly came over and stopped.

"Thanks, mister! Now... Direct the guy, Suzume!"

Stolen Away --  A Corpse Party FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now