Chapter 2

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Knights point of view
I felt someone lightly shaking me awake, when I opened my eyes I saw my father, he smiled when he noticed I was awake. I sat up and yawned rubbing my eyes as well, "it's time for dinner" he said I stared at him in confusion.

"You were asleep for a while and when we got home we decided to let you sleep" he said, I nodded and stood up stretching my arms a bit. I grabbed my phone and started to the kitchen with my father, I walked in and hugged my mother kissing her head then going and sitting down at the table still being a bit sleepy. My phone "dinged" and I looked to see a text from "mr unknown" I turned my phone on and answered.

Unknown- you were so adorable when you slept

Me- you watched me sleep...stalker much

Unknown- I call it admiring from a distance without you seeing me

Me- whatever also one question

Unknown-what will that be?

Me- male or female?

Unknown- male

I nodded "at least I know his gender now" I thought, my mom placed a plate in front of me snapping me out of my trance. "Honey you okay?" My mother asked I only nodded at her questions and began to eat, I knew she was worried but I wasn't feeling well and didn't want to answer knowing I might start a scene.

"How was school?" My father asked, I shrugged my shoulders "I guess it was alright I got to hang out with my friends but didn't finish my art picture" I said with a small giggle, that's right giggle. My father smiled, "I had fun at work except for the fact that there was a murder" my father said shaking his head.

"What really?" My mother said, I chocked on my food and quickly asked "who" he looked at me with worry but answered. " some girl from your school her name was Samantha jones or something like that" my father said still looking at me. I felt myself become light headed and could tell my face was now pale. "Son are you alright?" My mother asked coming over to me I started to breath heavy before quickly getting up and running upstairs to my room and locking my door.

"Son are you alright? Please answer dear" my mother said on the outside of the door, her voice sounded near to tears right now. I never liked when she cried so I go up and opened the door wrapping my arms around her and hugging her tightly. She hugged me back and I felt another set of arms wrap around us both. "Are you alright?" My father asked I nodded and smiled he ruffled my hair and they both left back downstairs. I sighed and got into my bed taking off all my clothes until I was left in boxers and soon drifted off to sleep.

Unknown point of view
I watched the cameras from my room and saw him strip from his clothes until he was in nothing but boxers then get into his bed and under his covers. I smiled and turned the camera off, oh and if your wondering yes I did kill that girl his father was talking about that was obvious.

I walked downstairs and into my kitchen grabbing a soda then walking back upstairs to my room. I drank some of it then set it to the side and climbed into my bed determined to get some sleep before I see him tomorrow, and yes I go to his school.

Next day

Derek's point of view
I woke up and got dressed going downstairs to the kitchen where my father was, he was sitting at the table drinking his coffee and reading his newspaper. When he saw me he smiled and set down his paper and coffee, "do you need me to drop you off at school?" He asked, I shook my head "no" and grabbed a piece of toast shoving it in my mouth and walking out the door.

Once I got to school I wiped my mouth off and went to knights locker where I met up with Kat she had her head deep in her book. "Hey kitten" I said using her nickname, she looked up quickly and smiled patting me on my head, she had to get on her tiptoes to do it since I was a lot taller than her about 6 foot to be exact but maybe smaller. We heard a loud groan and sigh when we looked up we saw Jonathan and knight.

"Hey guys" knight said "hey. What's wrong with him?" I asked, he looked over towards Jonathan and sighed "he scared of that stupid test he has next week" knight said crossing his arms. I chuckled as the bell rang and we all started to class, I walked with knight and once we got into class he pulled out one of his drawing notebooks and soon class started.

Once the class was over I went to my next class which was math that I had with Jonathan, when I got there I saw him trying to balance a pencil on his nose but failing badly. "Hey your here. Can I copy some of your homework?" He asked with pleading eyes, I sighed and nodded handing him to work sheet.

It was normal for him to do this and we all usually copied each other when it came to homework and projects. The teacher came in and class began.

Kats point of view
I was in history with knight when an announcement came on. "All teachers ,staff and students this is a school evacuation everyone follow there class and leave through the front doors" the secretary at the desk said, I panicked a bit until I felt knights hand on mine he lifted me up and we started out the door and to the outside of the school.

Once outside, the building was surrounded with cops and fire trucks even an ambulance, as we all stood outside I dragged knight over to Jonathan and Derek who stood on the sides. "Do you guys know what happened?" I asked they all shook there heads, "d-dad?" Knight said as his father walked over to us.

Knights point of view
When my father came over he hugged me tightly, I hugged back. When we pulled apart he started checking me, "dad what's going on?" I asked "there's been a murder in the school" he said. I felt my body freeze and I started to shake, before I could say anything I fainted.

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