Chapter 36

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Mr Mysterious point of view
I watched as knight and his family sat at the table next to us. He looked over at me and gave a small smile, I smiled back and quickly looked away, I didn't need him knowing to much on me or asking me questions.

Our food came and I ate, looking over at knight a couple times, but not to much to seem suspicious. "Sir are you alright?" Dj whispered he knew knight was around so he didn't want to use my real name, "I'm just not feeling so well" I said as I lightly started to tap my foot on the ground. Dj asked for the check paid and we took our food with us, as soon as we were in the car I started to breath heavy.

"It's gonna be okay calm down" he whispered soothingly into my ear, I looked up at him and into his eyes. They were grey and his hair was dark brown with bits of black here and there, I smiled and nodded as he started the car and drove off.

"You'll have him one day it's alright" dj said, I nodded.

Knights point of view
As we ate I couldn't help, but notice the boy at the table he was the same one from school. He reminded me of someone but I couldn't remember who exactly.

We all finished eating and started back home it was late by now and I knew tomorrow we didn't have school.  As soon as we got home everyone went off on there own ways and I went out back to the forest, I sat by a small lake, still deep, and could swim in and stared up at the sky. I heard a bush rustle and quickly looked up, I saw the same boy from the park he sat on the other side of the pond.

He looked up and was a bit taken back when he saw me, I backed away afraid he would come over to me and try something, but he just looked off into the sky an leaned onto tree. "Why are you out here?" I asked he didn't say anything and just looked away, he quickly got up and walked away into the forest.

The temptation to follow him was strong but I decided against it and walked back home. I was in shock as I walked through the door, Amber, mike, and my mom were all sitting at the kitchen table drinking wine. They all smiled at me and I smiled back so they wouldn't notice anything strange, I walked upstairs and instead of going to my room with Derek I went to the last room on the right.

I opened the door and went inside closing it and sitting on the floor by the window. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and called "mr Mysterious", the phone rang a couple times before he answered. "Yes" he said his voice having a teasing tone in it, "why were you there?" I questioned I heard a small chuckle before he answered.

"I always go there to clear my head why do you ask love?" He questioned. I sighed and shook my head "just curious" I said "that or did you miss know you could've followed and i wouldn't hurt you" he whispered into the phone causing a shiver to run down my spine. There was a knock on my door and his "I'll call you back soon love" he said before hanging up leaving me dumbfounded.

The door opened an Derek walked in, "hey I was looking for you. Are you alright?" He asked, I chuckled an nodded trying to act normal. He smiled at me and helped me up before leading me to our room, we both laid on the bed and soon enough I fell asleep thinking about "him".

The next day

Tyler's point of view
I woke up to my alarm going off I kept it on because I knew if I didn't I would never wake up. I got up and got dressed before going downstairs to see everyone, mike was in the kitchen with Amber and Ruby cooking breakfast, knight and Derek were cuddled on the couch. Michael and Jonathan were sitting on the floor talking about some new movie they wanted to see.

"Hey t" Derek said I smiled an nodded in his direction before walking to the kitchen. I grabbed a water then sat down with everyone else in the kitchen. "Knight get any calls from that guy?" Mike asked he hesitantly shook his head which only I seemed to notice. After that question knight got up and went back upstairs I was quick to follow not being awkward in any way.

I walked into his room and saw him looking at his phone. "Your lying" I said he jumped a bit at my voice then glared, "it's none of your concerns" he said putting his phone down "actually it is since we all promised to help" I said he looked down them back up. "This guy just seems so-so familiar to me, his voice, his eyes, I feel like I should remember him, but I can't" he said.

"Eyes?" I said confused "yeah he pinned me to a tree and I saw his eyes, they were dark pretty sure" he said I nodded. "Well what do you think we do?" I asked he shrugged and looked away. "I don't want to hurt whoever this is just reveal them" he whispered, I nodded an we both walked downstairs to tell the rest. We told everyone what we were talking about upstairs and they agreed to not hurt the person except Derek who was wary and a bit on edge.

Mr Mysterious point of view
I stared at the cameras as they spoke, "he thinks he remembers me" I whispered to myself excitement laced in my voice. "Yes sir he does" dj said rubbing my back I smiled and looked back at the camera. "We need to move the plan ahead and now" I said Dj nodded an I caressed the camera.

"Don't worry knight soon we will be together even if that means hurting others" I whispered getting up to help dj get ready.

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