Chapter 21

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Knights point of view
"Run I'll stay here" I yelled at the others "we can't just leave you you'll be hurt in the process" Derek said, I kissed him and pushed him away running towards my fathers voice. "Go" I told the rest and they didn't hesitate well Derek did but he ran with them.

I walked to my fathers voice and he immediately grabbed my arm and dragged me back to his car. He talked to his friends a bit before getting in the car and driving us home. "I should beat your ass for what you did" he yelled at me "does it even matter anymore your nothing to me you could put me through as much pain as you want I don't care" I said to mostly myself.

He growled but said nothing more the entire ride home, when we did get home he pushed me out the car and into the house. One of my neighbors which was a little girl looked at me with worry but I just smiled at her which caused her to giggle.

Once inside the house my father slapped me in the back of the head hard, and I dropped to the floor from the pain. My mother walked into the living room and stared at me I just put my head down as the kicks and blows started.

When he finished both my parents went upstairs leaving me on the floor a bloody mess, I felt numb with a bit of pain. I quickly picked myself up and walked to my room I sat down on the floor not knowing what to do.

Derek's point of view
After a while we went back to the house and once inside I started pacing the living room afraid. "Why don't you call him?" Michael suggested, I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed his number it rang four times before he answered. "Hello?" Knight said he sounded out of breath and in pain"please tell me your okay" I said he stayed quiet for a couple minutes "please help" he said before hanging up.

I felt fear course through my veins I quickly grabbed my keys and left the house not listening to the other two calling my name. I quickly sped down the road probably breaking plenty of trafficking rules and laws and skipping at least two red lights. I parked my car out back and quickly got out; his window was open.

I climbed the side of his house and up to the window I climbed inside and looked around his room. I saw him on the floor crying and holding his arm, I walked over to him and tried to touch him but he flinched. "It's only me okay" I whispered he looked at me and smiled he had blood running down his head and a bit on his hair.

"Let's get you outta here" I mumbled "but he knows where we live" knight said as I picked him up "I don't care your safety is all that matters to me" I said as I climbed out the window with knight on my back. When we got back to the car I laid him in the backseat and got up front, I sighed and put my head on the steering wheel trying to calm myself down. I looked back at knight to see he was peacefully sound asleep, I smiled and quickly called Tyler.

"Hey" I said "dude what happened and where are you?" He asked frantically "I'll explain when I get back but can you grab the first aid kit and set it up downstairs?" I asked "alright" he said his voice full of unease. I hung up and started the car wanting to hurry and get knight back home.

Once we were back home I called Tyler out to help me, "oh god what happened to him?" Michael asked as we laid him down on the couch. "Take a picture" I told Tyler "what? Why?" He said "in case this gets way out of hand then I'm calling the cops" I said grabbing the first aid and starting to patch his wounds.

Mikes point of view
Since it was early I didn't have work nor did amber, but she had decided to stay home, while I went to check on the boys. When I got to the house I felt nothing but dread as I opened the door, when I walked in I saw my son kneeling next to the couch where knight was he was all patched up with bruises and marks. The other two were nowhere to be found.

"What happened?" I asked,Derek looked up at me and his eyes were red from crying. "His father found this place and took knight with him back home. This is what happened when I got him back" Derek said anger laced in his voice.

Knights arms were wrapped in gauzes, he had one gauze wrapped around his eye, a partially wet cloth on his head and his lip looked a bit busted. "Has he woken up yet?" I asked "no he's been asleep since I grabbed him from his house" Derek said running his hand through his hair. "Maybe you should get some rest?" I suggested, he looked up at me and I could see his energy was fully drained "but I have to watch him" he protested "ill watch him for you but you need to sleep" I said sternly, he nodded and laid down on the other couch.

He looked at knights body one more time before drifting off to sleep with a small smile.

After two hours had passed I saw knight stir in his sleep before waking up he looked around then touched the gauze on his eye. I didn't say anything as he started to cry and before I could comfort him Derek's eyes shot open and he looked straight at knight, falling off the couch as he went to comfort him.

"Don't worry I checked it you should be able to still see out of it" I said causing both of there heads to turn towards me. Michael and Tyler came down Tyler in nothing but sweatpants and Michael wearing sweatpants and a huge hoodie. "Good to see you all and I like what you did to the school" I said to each and everyone one of them they all smiled.

"I have a conference to get to about you now I'll see ya later" I said pointing to Derek, he smirked as I grabbed my things and left.

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