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okay so i have been baby sitting, so i have 3 or 4 more chapters wrote, i might upload them all now, i dunno yet, we'll see:-)



"AAAAGH, Lexi wake up right now and help me out"

"what the fuck Lou"

"Im sorry, but that 'perfect' boyfriend of yours just ate the last carrot RIGHT INFRONT OF ME"

"We'll buy more"

"you better"

what a nice way to wake up, thanks Louis.

"I'm going for a shower, c'ya" im really not a morning person.

I got to the shower and turned it on then bushed my teeth. i slipped out of my slothes and into the shower, letting the hot water pour onto my skin. i washed my long brown hair with my strawberry shampoo, and my body with the coconut body wash. when i was done i got out and wrapped a towel around me and went out of my ensuit into my bedroom. Luckily for me, i looked my bedroom door.

I dried my self off and got changed into a pair of white shorts and a rugby shirt. i dried my hair straight and made my way back down to the group.

Louis was sitting in the corner of the room, still in a huff about the carrots.

i lifted money and gave it to him- "here go buy some carrots"

"thank you thank you thank you" and with that he ran of like a five year old getting candy

"um Jess, do you wanna go out for dinner with me tonight"

"yeah sure"


OMG YAY, them two are so going to be together by the end of the night, jayn FOREVER.

Niall had fallen asleep, so i, being the perfect girlfriend and all, got out the whipped cream and gave him a beard, mustache, and big bushy eyebrows. he looked so cute hahah i took a picture on my phone.

@SophieMcClure3: @twitpic' awk, isn't we nialler looking good?;-)'

"woooow, i just got 100+ followers, and like a millon retweets, good fan base guys"

"we know"

jeese, big headed much?..


"uh oh. i'm so sorry Niall i just couldnt resist, forgive me" i even gave him my best puppy dog eyes.

Bang. he kissed me. Fireworks are going off in my head right now, i dont even care about the cream all over my face now.

"im sorry"

"its okay babe, i forgive you" he kissed my forehead

Louis decided that he would choose now to come running threw the door annoucing how many carrots he has, jeese kid, calm down.

for the rest of the day (well until Jess and Zayn have to get ready to go on their date;-)) we just sat and talked, messed around, and niall, well he cleared the fridge, thanks nialler.


OKAY SO I KNOW THIS IS CRAP, but i just had to put something in to fill the gap, sorry. please comment.

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