Chapter 9

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On reflection, Ryraso probably shouldn't have left Aw'endo alone with the twins for an hour. In his defence, he had a lot to do and organise now that he was going to be looking after a youngling.

At least Aw'endo wasn't a hatchling anymore, that would have been harder to handle but at 17 Aw'endo was a little more self-sufficient. He would be able to look after his own needs and Ryraso was certain Isst would watch over him when needed.

Taidra certainly would be. Though surprisingly, Taidra had been fine with him keeping the boy on board and near him. Ryraso suspected that was because Taidra knew Tai'ray wouldn't risk anything happening to k'nairi younglings, especially one which was his own charge. Taidra had even given Ryraso a new seal to put on Aw'endo which was more subtle than the prisoner one which was currently on his wrist. Taidra had reminded him of all the rules and to make sure Aw'endo didn't learn of any confidential information before wandering off to find his lover.

Taidra hadn't been the only authority on the ship, ignoring Inai, that he had to talk to about keeping Aw'endo. Not that it mattered either way because he would be doing so but he owed it to these people to listen to their concerns and try to dispell them.

By the time he finally made it out of the meetings and to the mess hall to pick up some food for Aw'endo, Eyeri was finally up and moving too. The young man sitting with one of his older brothers, Makio.

"Ry," Makio grinned up at him. "I hear you have a guest."

"You heard correctly," Ryraso said dryly, putting the tray down to ruffle Eyeri's blond hair gently. Makio worked as a scout and worked regularly with the spy guild, which basically meant he always knew what was going on. "I am glad your sources are on the ball as always."

"Ryraso?" Eyeri asked gently, looking up at him with big blue eyes practically sparkling with curiosity. Eyeri and his four older brothers all shared the same shade of blue eyes, light and clear. They all had blonde hair as well but the shades varied from brother to brother.

"You'll meet him tomorrow," Ryraso promised. "He's someone I took care of a long time ago and I don't trust who was supposed to be his guardian when I left Navat to actually take care of him after this," he added in a darker tone, leaning down to kiss Eyeri on the forehead before picking up the tray. "Remember you're waking me up tomorrow," he added, knowing Eyeri would be sleeping with his brothers that night.

It was a rarity that all five of them were on the ship at the same time. Each brother worked in a different field and while they managed to visit regularly, they weren't technically assigned to the warship. Ryraso knew at least Oira had been given an extra position in his field that allowed him to come to the ship regularly. Everyone knew how precious Eyeri was to his four older brothers.

As he walked away, Ryraso was aware of Makio giving him a strange look and Eyeri blushing slightly. He frowned confused before sighing as he realised what he had just done. Aw'endo had been back in his life five seconds and he was already acting like a k'nairi parent. He had always ruffled Eyeri's hair and hugged him when needed but kissing his forehead was new.

Ryraso didn't let it bother him, though. It wasn't like people didn't know he thought of Eyeri as a son. His brothers as well by extension.

The look Aw'endo gave him as he entered the clinic was one which could kill. The picture of an angry k'nairi child who was offended by something deeply. Lifting an eyebrow, Ryraso looked over the situation resisting the urge to sigh or throw something. Aw'endo was in the furthest corner of the room, Sayskel blocking his escape laughing maniacally.

"Sayskel... get out," Ryraso ordered, not bothering to ask what was happening. He didn't want to know. He knew Sayskel well enough that he was more likely trying to embarrass the child than force him to do anything dangerous.

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