Chapter 20

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Ryraso woke to the sound of birds. The gentle sound lulling him and letting him wake up slowly. He was cold, he could feel a rough blanket on him but he felt cold. The air smelt fresh, the scent of greenery surrounding him. He could hear a low murmur of people nearby. His head ached, a dim memory of what Tai'ray had done returning to him. For failing to submit, he had forced the pain of every injured k'nairi on him. Enough pain to make him scream and pass out.

His eyes fluttered open to look up at a green tent canopy. He blinked slowly, his body feeling very heavy, like he was buried in sand. He moved, reached over his body to touch his wrist and felt relieved to find his seal was still on. He was safe from Tai'ray being able to get into his head, for now.

Panic surged in his chest as the full memory of what had happened returned. Tai'ray wanted him in the royal nest. Tai'ray had hurt Taidra and Isst. Nel'os was willing to let his mate force him. Inai knew he had omitted information about his time with the k'nairi.

Ryraso swallowed, his throat dry. He turned his head to see the tent opening just as two familiar faces walked in.

"Ryraso!" Aw'endo and Eyeri yelled before running over to him. Ryraso finding himself being hugged by two boys tightly.

"Aw'endo, Eyeri," Ryraso murmured softly, kissing them on their foreheads as they looked up at him with teary eyes. "Aw'endo, how come you're still here?" he asked, stroking Aw'endo's hair gently with a soft smile on his face.

"I wanted to stay with you," Aw'endo murmured blushing.

"It's fine darling," Ryraso murmured giving the k'nairi youngling a kiss before he got nervous about whether Ryraso wanted him there or not. He pushed himself so he was sitting up, the action painful and he hissed. Eyeri helped him by putting pillows behind him, Aw'endo sat on the side of the bed, his fingers twitching.

"Is Isst okay?" Ryraso asked sounding concerned, looking around and seeing no one else in the tent other than him and the two boys. The wound he remembered being inflicted on his old friend was a bad one.

"He's fine. I stitched him up with no problems. Taidra's fine too, the Winglord must have been feeling kind or Kelenn is right that he likes Taidra because the wound was really light. I fixed up the rest of the injured too. Nothing too bad," Eyeri rattled off, not wanting his father to worry about anyone who had been injured during the battle. Eyeri was gripping Ryraso's sheets so tight his knuckles were white, Aw'endo's wings were trembling. His boys were scared and upset, not a good combination.

"I'd better go see Inai then," Ryraso murmured, not wanting to draw what had to happen out painfully. He had made his bed and now it was time for him to lie in it. Both boys paled and looked at each other uncomfortably. "He's angry isn't he?" he said softly.

"Just a little?" Eyeri said hesitantly.

"I'd say more than a little," growled an angry voice. They all turned to see Inai walking into the tent with a dark expression on his face. "I would say furious with you healer!" he growled.

Ryraso shifted uncomfortably, going to move out of the bed to stand, suddenly aware of the rank difference between them. Inai stopped him by putting a hand on his shoulder, with a gentler look on his face.

"Stay there Ryraso!" Inai ordered. "As for you two!" he looked at the two boys, wrapping an arm around Eyeri who was closest. "Go sit with Isst and the others. Now!" he said sternly.

The boys looked in between Ryraso and Inai. Ryraso nodded, his eyes firmly on the floor. If he had been a k'nairi, his wings would have been shivering in fear. He respected his leader very much and for him to be this angry at him. He wasn't afraid to say he was slightly scared and very nervous. The two young men dashed out of the tent, Eyeri bowed slightly at Inai as he was released, Aw'endo copying the motion. They both knew when to be respectful to powerful people and the last thing they wanted was to be in Inai's bad graces, not when their father figure was.

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