Chapter 16

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"You're not happy," Taidra commented bluntly to Fetmar as the young commander collected his orders from the security director. "With leaving, I mean," he clarified.

Fetmar shrugged. "I'm never happy with leaving Eyeri on his own," he pointed out as he skimmed through his new mission. His other brothers had already shipped out that week and soon it would be time for him also to leave. Leaving Eyeri at the mercy of Aw'endo with only Ryraso and Isst to help. After the prank incident, the twins had thankfully stayed clear of them.

Taidra lifted an eyebrow. "He's hardly on his own Fetmar. This time is a little different, but Ryraso will look after him like he always has," Taidra said seriously like it was an obvious fact.

"You trust that Ryraso will keep Aw'endo from hurting Eyeri?" Fetmar asked softly, his blue eyes almost begging Taidra to say so.

"Aw'endo can be a little rough on Eyeri," Taidra allowed. "But he has also improved considerably from that first interaction."

"So people keep saying," Fetmar murmured. He liked the youngling, he did, but it was hard to keep the image of him attacking Eyeri from his mind. Eyeri had done nothing to deserve that. Aw'endo had bullied Eyeri ever since, even if recently he was being more brother-like about it. Fetmar still found it hard to trust the youngling with his brother, though.

Taidra gave half a smile, understanding what Fetmar was feeling. "Come on, I'll let you watch the footage of the prank. Maybe you'll understand a bit better than," he offered, pulling up the footage on his screen.

Fetmar nodded, standing behind Taidra to watch. Growling lowly as he watched Kelenn set it up. Then it happened and Fetmar found his eyes glued to Aw'endo. The k'nairi was furious, only calming when it was clear Eyeri wasn't actually hurt.

"I wouldn't underestimate Aw'endo. He's lonely and desperate for Ryraso's approval which means protecting Eyeri," Taidra murmured. "Nothing bad will happen to your boy Fetmar, or at least not from Aw'endo's hand."

"I think I need to talk to Aw'endo," Fetmar mused thoughtfully. "Thank you Taidra."

"Not a problem," Taidra smiled at Fetmar, watching as the commander headed out of the office.

"Where's Fetmar off too?" Feno asked, coming in after the boy had left.

"To locate our resident youngling," Taidra chuckled, leaning up to kiss Feno on the cheek. Feno grinned warmly and hugged him close for a moment, pressing their foreheads together, having been long time partners.

"He accepted Aw'endo into his brood then?" Feno hummed fondly. Fetmar was fiercely protective of all of his brothers, not just Eyeri, though the boy got the worst of it. It didn't help that all four brothers regularly got into trouble. Leaving Fetmar to have to try to clean up the mess it left behind.

"Not quite yet," Taidra chuckled. "But Aw'endo's working his way in slowly."

Feno grinned, kissing Taidra on the forehead before drawing away. "So, have you eaten yet today?"

"Aw'endo!" A loud and familiar voice yelled over to the k'nairi as he stalked the halls, for once not glued to Ryraso's side. There were occasions when Ryraso needed to treat a patient without Aw'endo listening in after all, "Get over here, will you?"

Aw'endo growled unhappily at the tone used to summon him but blinked when he realised it was Fetmar. The oldest Zamen walking over to him with purpose in his stride, making Aw'endo worry slightly. He liked Fetmar, they mostly got on when they were in a group together but Fetmar rarely came looking for him, normally when he had upset Eyeri or one of the other Zamen brothers. Just what had he done to annoy the man now?

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