Chapter 39

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"Nel'os..." Ryraso groaned exasperated, not sure what to say to the over sexed birdbrain. If the man didn't start behaving soon he was going to stab the k'nairi in an area he definitely would not want sharp objects. The problem was that when it came to sex, Nel'os had a considerably different outlook on it than most people because he was a k'nairi noble. Sex had rules but also was not a thing to be ashamed of.

"What? I'm serious!" Nel'os defended. "Herymi likes them, they like him. Sounds like Ran'mosy is upset because they weren't your first so just let them claim you. Once you are in the bond, it's not like you can cheat anyway. Or keep secrets. Or hate each other. Plus it helps with finding out what everyone's true feelings are," Nel'os was completely serious and surprisingly thoughtful as he spoke.

"Only you could make having a group orgy sound like good advice to fix a broken relationship," Ryraso chuckled in bemusement, making Nel'os laugh and preen slightly.

"If it gets what all the parties want and needs, might as well do it!" Nel'os declared boldly, making Ryraso roll his eyes.

"Sex fiend," Ryraso teased.

"Hey, I'm not that bad," Nel'os sniffed, raising his nose lightly. Ryraso elbowed him in the ribs, making Nel'os laugh. Nel'os kissed Ryraso on the forehead, making Ryraso flush at the open display of affection. "Don't worry, you'll get a say on whether I can or can't," Nel'os murmured gently into his ear, making Ryraso splutter. Nel'os grinned and passed him a cloth, Ryraso taking it with a dark grumble. Ryraso hadn't thought that far ahead yet. He hadn't thought about dealing with the royal triad's quirks.

"Okay, I can see how sleeping with them might resolve some of the issues, "Herymi," admitted, apparently having been thinking it over as a serious opinion. Ryraso was relieved for the distraction, not wanting to think about the nervous ball he had felt in his stomach at the idea of Nel'os sleeping around.

"Seriously?" Ryraso said in disbelief while Nel'os only preened with smugness much to the healer's annoyance. This time Ryraso gave into temptation and just hit the k'nairi over the head, much like Nel'os had done to him earlier. Nel'os only laughed and dodged easily, his wings fluttering playfully.

"However, I see one major flaw in this plan," Herymi continued, watching them with half a smile.

"What would that be?" asked Nel'os, a big beam on his face from getting Ryraso flustered.

"Namely your mate? Winglord Tai'ray decreed no Caw was to be claimed, or rather fucked until they have the brand," Herymi pointed out. For a moment it felt like ice cold water had been poured over the three of them as the reality of the situation hit home.

"No!" Tai'ray exclaimed loudly, looking directly at Nel'os who was clearly about to say something along of the lines of, 'Just do it anyway'. The table went silent as Tai'ray paused the conversation he had been having to stop his mate from doing something foolish. Ryraso couldn't help but wonder if Nel'os had been keeping him informed using their bond or if the Winglord had just read the mood of their conversation. "I'm sorry Herymi, but I am not changing the rule just for your case. Though I agree, that might help once you are able to so," the Winglord commented seriously, while not giving away the topic of their conversation. Guardian Fl'ex looked between them, his orange eyes curious but said nothing.

'My advice,' Tai'ray spoke over the link, Ryraso surprised to discover that only him, Herymi and Nel'os could hear him. 'If you'll have it, would be to work on the ones who were closest to you first. Ran'mosy is too hurt and raw to be anything but angry at the moment and well...' Tai'ray trailed off, everyone thinking the same thing.

K'nairi submissives were rarely meek despite the stereotypes and even the meek ones did not suit anger well. There was a reason why a lot of k'nairi courting was violent after all. There were times when the submissives were more dangerous than the dominants. Ryraso had only heard of a handful of cases where a pissed off sub had gone up against a raging dom. There had been a lot of collateral damage. A lot of damage in general.

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