Chapter 50

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The rain was heavy, making everything wet and slippery as Ryraso and Eyeri scaled the tree to get to the ground level. Most of the ladders had been raised up to try and protect the rope and wood from rotting. Thunder sounded in the background and despite it being early afternoon it was dark.

The rain was heavy, making everything wet and slippery as Ryraso and Eyeri scaled the tree to get to the ground level. Most of the ladders had been raised up to try and protect the rope and wood from rotting. Thunder sounded in the background and despite it being early afternoon it was dark.

"I hate storms," Eyeri growled as he jumped to the ground with a loud squelch of mud. He grimaced but followed Ryraso as Ryraso led the way.

Ryraso had never been to Tawaye but the night before he had paid close attention to where they were staying, and thanks to storming off, he also knew what direction the river was in. He just had to hope that in the rain and dark conditions he would still be able to get there.

"Come on," he called, reaching back to grab Eyeri's hand as the boy stumbled. "We need to head south to the river."

The mud made it hard to walk and impossible to run. Their boots were designed for travelling but the mud was thick. The ground paths poorly maintained. Still, Ryraso was determined to get out of the village, following the ropeway which linked the high tree houses, trying to shield them from some of the rain. most of the treehouses were dark, most of the community out helping with the storm defences. There was a flash of lightning in the distance and thunder boomed around the sky. This was no minor storm.

Still, this was going to be their only chance to escape. Even if they turned back now, there would be no guarantee of a second chance. Plus Tai'ray would find the seal and destroy it.

The rain soon soaked both humans to the bone, their outer clothes not quite enough to protect them from the downpour. Mud covered their legs and hands from where they had to use trees as support around muddy pits. Still, they sloshed onwards. The loud rushing of the river able to be heard as they left the mild protection of the village.

"Probably best not to get any closer to the river," Ryraso said, pulling Eyeri under a tree to talk over the loud storm. "We should head south here and avoid the banks. I'm sure the river is likely to burst with this much rain!"

"Understood!" Eyeri nodded mud on his cheek from where he must have rubbed his face with his muddy hands. His hair wet and plastered to his forehead. Still, there was a look in his eyes. A look of determination. This was a young man who was going to do what he set out to do.

The sounds of the river to the right of them, Ryraso began cutting his way through the undergrowth. The path meant to go to the river, not around it. Eyeri followed, his eyes watching the forest for any danger. His eyes fast adjusting the darkness, occasionally lit by the flashes of lightning which seemed to the dance in the sky. The rain grew heavier and the light grew dimmer, making it hard to see. Yet Ryraso knew they were far from out of danger of being recaptured yet.

"I'm so glad we left Aw'endo behind," Eyeri called with a touch of laughter in his voice. "He would hate this!"

Ryraso laughed, agreeing fully with that statement. "Your brother is a pampered prince!" he called, wincing as he gripped onto a partially rough piece of bark, almost losing his footing. "Still amazes me he ended up on the front line!"

Inai, well more Isst and Tiew, had forced the people of the warship to do regular drills off the ship of how to survive in bad situations. Admittedly they were ignoring the advice for what to do in a storm but still. In a storm, you were supposed to find cover and wait it out. Most enemies wouldn't pursue in such bad weather conditions and yet Ryraso knew they needed to get some distance.

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