Chapter 14

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"Hey Ryraso," a voice called into the medical bay as Ryraso was cleaning up for the day. "You busy?"

"For you, always," Ryraso growled unhappily, looking at Wiljam who was holding his arm like it was hurting him. "What did you do this time?" Ryraso sighed, forcing Wiljam to sit on a bed.

"The normal," Wiljam shrugged, letting Ryraso take his arm, barely able to feel anything from it anymore he had damaged it so often. Most would be concerned but it barely seemed to slow Wiljam down. "So... How has the week been with the troublesome duo?" he asked with a grin on his face.

Ryraso gave him a glare which would have made most people want to hide but Wiljam only laughed. "It could have been worse," Ryraso grumbled.

The week had been eventful. Aw'endo didn't outright attack Eyeri again, but he seemed to take great pleasure in terrorising the boy. Constantly picking and teasing the younger human every chance he got. Ryraso prayed to the gods that this was simply normal k'nairi sibling rivalry because Aw'endo wasn't used to having a brother. Ryraso had never been in a 'normal' k'nairi family environment for long enough to have first-hand experience. His only real contact with families had been when he was treating them. From the little experience he did have, he knew siblings fought regularly to keep a pecking order in place.

"I'm sure they haven't been that bad," Wiljam reassured, his tone still upbeat and cheerful.

"I'm not sure which one had been worse," Ryraso grumbled. "Aw'endo won't stop bullying Eyeri and Eyeri is being equally as bratty to Aw'endo."

"Neither of them have had to compete for your attention before. Eyeri loves his brothers but he has always been the baby so he's used to getting attention. Some healthy sibling competition is good for them," Wiljam commented out, wincing as Ryraso's fingers pressed on a particularly bad bruise. Ryraso's eyes flashed at the sign of Wiljam's pain.

"Eyeri isn't used to having a rival who can be as aggressive as Aw'endo though. I can't even tell Aw'endo to tone it down because if I coddle Eyeri it will only make it worse for him," Ryraso pointed out. Jealous siblings only got worse when the other got more attention and as a result, Ryraso was limited to what he could do. He didn't think Aw'endo would actually hurt Eyeri but people did stupid things when they got angry.

"Please, as if the crew would let Aw'endo touch Eyeri if he started to get handsy," Wiljam scoffed.

"Yes, I have noticed how Eyeri is acting meeker and looking weak and vulnerable considerably more often. I see the intended effect is working," Ryraso sighed. It was sad that Eyeri had a safety method that involved making people want to protect him because he was weak. Another survival skill learned from being a slave and it worked. The crew was acting more protective over Eyeri which was not helping with Aw'endo. Eyeri was being a brat in his own way when dealing with Aw'endo.

"Eyeri's just scared for the same reason Aw'endo is," Wiljam pointed out gently. "Aw'endo is scared he's been replaced and you don't need him anymore and Eyeri is scared that now Aw'endo is back there is no room for him in your life."

Ryraso groaned, letting his head fall against a metal cabinet and he moved to get some bandages for Wiljam's arm. It was nothing serious but Ryraso wanted to make sure Wiljam took care with his arm for a few days. It was an understandable fear from Eyeri given what Ryraso was risking by keeping Aw'endo but Ryraso had no plans on letting go of his apprentice anytime soon.

"Eyeri still has years of training ahead of him yet. He's not getting away from me that easily," Ryraso said softly.

At the moment, Eyeri's fears weren't so bad with Eyeri's brothers on the ship to give him the extra love and affection he needed to feel safe but they were due to deploy soon. Normally when they were gone Eyeri stayed with Ryraso as the boy was often afraid to be on his own. With Aw'endo now living with Ryraso, that wouldn't be an option which was likely adding to the boy's worries.

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