Chapter 24

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After Tai'ray had returned to the D'mar's current base after raiding the warship, he hadn't waited around to listen to Loror. Instead, he had stormed off to his rooms which a snarl of anger to anyone who dared glance in his way. The k'nairi's temper clearly on thin ice, his mates waited long enough to bow to the warlord and be dismissed before chasing after their mate.

Loror growled unhappily but let the men go, knowing now was not the time to talk to his frustrating commander. Many called Loror mad for letting Tai'ray get away with his attitude but Loror saw no use in provoking a man when he was raw. At least, not when said man's reaction was likely to be counterproductive to his own cause. If Tai'ray in disgrace would help Loror, he might have, but at the moment it would not. Tai'ray was already humiliated from having failed to recover his desired mate and adoptive son.

"Sakmi," Loror called, summoning his spymaster.

As any loyal minion should, Sakmi appeared from the shadows silently, clearly having been expecting to be needed. Black hair and a tanned complexion, but still considerably lighter than Ravn, the man's best spy, who was next to him. Ravn was a Fini though and also very young. Sakmi had five teenage boys and one teenage girl under his command who did most of his spying for him. There were, of course, adult spies and assassins under Sakmi's control but the children were better at general spying as the Namya would never hurt a child.

"I'll be going now, my lord," Ravn said stiffly, bowing before leaving the base, disappearing from sight immediately.

"Punch has already tailed the force. The boys will watch the Namya camp for now," Sakmi commented, showing his men had already been on the ball.

Loror nodded, his eyes still focused on the spot where Ravn had disappeared into the night. "Other than Taidra, were any of the Namya on the list injured to our knowledge?" he asked, turning away to walk towards his own rooms, Sakmi following in his wake. His men moved out the way for them, some of the k'nairi bowing as they did so. There was a look in their eyes Loror didn't know how to name. The birds were getting tired of fighting, Loror noted with an annoyed feeling. It wasn't just them either.

"Ignoring Isst, nothing serious. The twins as normal got some bumps from Nel'os and Dyn'ad but everyone else seems accounted for," Sakmi commented. "Ryraso's young apprentice is patching Isst up. He will survive."

"Tai'ray's going to be annoyed I didn't tell him about the boy," Loror mused as he stepped into his room. "Still, that is good. Hopefully, we will be able to capture them soon," he groaned as he sat on a big chair. "So Sakmi? Any suggestions on how to deal with our lovesick commander?" he asked, gratefully taking a glass of moonshine Sakmi had poured. From the smell, it was the strong stuff as well.

Sakmi shrugged wordless, sipping his own glass. The burn was powerful in his throat but it was needed. Dealing with k'nairi problems was always a headache for him.

Loror exhaled, tapping his fingers against the glass as he thought over the situation. This wasn't going to be as simple as forbidding Tai'ray to take Ryraso, or even just letting Tai'ray have the man. Tai'ray was going to need time to deal with the human. "I wish he had told me about this scheme of his to take back the caw," Loror said darkly. "It's a lovely idea and one which will help our cause but it will also distract the k'nairi as much as Ryraso is going to distract Tai'ray."

"Ryraso wants nothing to do with the Winglord," Sakmi pointed out.

"Since when has that affected how the Winglord feels about the healer? That man was entranced seven years ago when I first met them since only the gods know when," Loror grumbled. He had hoped when the Namya healer had joined the main squad Tai'ray would grow to hate and resent him. This had not been in the plans. "This is going to take some planning," he sighed in resignation, feeling a headache of his own beginning to throb behind his ears.

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