Stay happy, love.

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If I had met my six year old self, would I let her go through all the pain I've endured? Would I let her meet those people and build friendship with strangers? Would I remind her to be careful and not trust those that smile brightly at her? Would I let her fall and get hurt? Would I tell her to stay above and not let their words affect her? 

If I had met her, I'll tell her that she'll be experiencing her first rollercoaster in Japan. I'll tell her to not be afraid because she'll come to love the thrill. I'll tell her that it is okay to cry in the toilet after being screamed at for playing at the wrong tempo. I'll tell her that whatever it is, I'll be there for her. I'll remind her to enjoy the music she creates and ignore those who closed the door on her while she tries her best emulate the Beethoven or Mozart she knows at that age. 

If I had met her, I'll tell her to enjoy her primary schooling days when being innocent and naive wasn't such a big deal. I'll tell her to enjoy her classes and love her teachers. Oh, I'll also remind her to bring her Mathematics textbook because getting caned is painful. I hope she studies and scores all her As so that she'll look back at her results one day and be proud of it. 

If I had met her, I'll tell her to pick up a sport, stay active. Go for a run or a jog or a game of badminton. Dance to songs, run around, have fun. I'll tell her that those scary movies and criminal TV shows are all staged and fake. I'll stand by her side while she runs away from a clown. I'll tell her that clowns are just generous people in awful lots of makeup blowing up balloons for children. 

If I had met her, I'll tell her it is alright to not be the first in class, it is okay if she isn't the smartest. It is okay if she scored an 85 for a language test, it is alright to cry her heart out because 85 isn't good enough. Just stay happy.

If I had met her, I'll tell her not to fall for that badminton player who couldn't muster the courage to speak to her. I'll tell her that he is just a bystander in life and she will meet many more people worthy of her smiles and laughters. Just don't lose faith. 

If I had met her, I'll tell her that she will be participating in many competitions in her upper secondary school days so long she works hard enough. I'll remind her that she doesn't always win but it is experience she gains. I'll tell her not to cry when she loses a writing competition although she put tons of effort in it. I'll hold her if she ever breaks. Just don't give up on her passions. 

Love, life is tough but you're strong. Hang in there, alright? One failure doesn't mean you're terrible. You'll fall, and fall, and fall, and fall, but you'll keep getting back up. Just stay strong and happy. 

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