The Downcast

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It is today, that I realised how society works.

How they take you in when they need you the most, and then throw you out the minute they're done with you.

How they learn to take advantage of you, and make you leave just so you can't take advantage of them.

How they step on you, and make sure you have no voice to defend yourself.

Society, isn't the people living together in an organisation sharing the same laws and traditions. Society, is the people living high above putting fire on those below.

Society is forcing you out at this bad time, where everything is tumbling down. Society is not the one that helped you up when you were down in the dumps. Society is making you work 12 hours a day but only paying you 8 hours worth.

If you think that is the end of what I'll say about society, then you're wrong.

Society is what hovers you, belittles you and forces you to curtsy at them. Society is all of those and one day they will turn us into one of them.

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