| chapter two |

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' if it's naughty; i want it '

"JAKE!" Yelled the voice of the elegant brunette as she gazed at the house her best friend sent the location for

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"JAKE!" Yelled the voice of the elegant brunette as she gazed at the house her best friend sent the location for. Not giving a fuck, Selina entered the modern looking house and scanned the inside, knowing immediately this wasn't his house. It was too fancy for him and she knew for a fact Jacob's father, Billy Black, would never pay for this.

"Selina!" Hearing the voice of her lovely best friend, the said girl looked up and grinned, joy and happiness sparkling in her eyes as she saw the familiar face which looked different.

"You've changed."

"Really? I didn't know, Captain Obvious. It's only been like a few decades or so since we last saw each other." Selina rolled my eyes, voice laced with sarcasm. A booming chuckle was heard, causing the brunette to glance in the direction.

Raising a brow, she looked at Jacob with a look that screamed 'explain'. Jacob rolled his eyes, grabbing ahold of her hand and pulling her up the stairs, into a living room area. There, Selina's eyes fell upon a group of vampires, all that didn't have heartbeats or a scent.

'Cold Ones'

The brunette glanced at them, giving them all a once over before looking at Jacob. "Selina, these are the Cullens. Guys, this is Selina, my best friend." She waved a hand at them before her eyes locked with a pair of gold eyes which caused her eyes to widen as an unknown feeling passed through her.

Looking to the left, she was met with another pair of gold eyes that caused another unknown feeling to pass through her. Selina stepped back a bit, her eyes switching from the girl and the boy.

"Who are you?" Her voice came out soft, husky but soft.

"Oh, how rude of us." Started a pixie-like girl and Selina's eyes moved over to her, snapping out of her trance with the two others.

"My names Alice and this is Jasper. The huge guy over there is Emmett but don't be afraid of him, he's a big teddy bear." Selina snorted at her statement. She wasn't afraid of him. Please, she could take him down anytime. Hearing a muffled laugh, Selina turned her head to look at the guy with the gold eyes who made her feel weird deep inside..

"Um...sorry." She shook it off and nodded back at Alice, telling her to continue.

"Sitting next to Emmett is Rosalie who is sitting next to Esme and Carlisle. Over there is Bella and Edward." Selina glanced at the two, finally knowing their names. She nodded, giving them a smile.

"It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to finally meet you." Selina looked at Emmett with a questioning look. "The mutt over here wouldn't shut up about you." The brunette watched as the Cullen's glare at Emmett and smirked secretly. It seems that they didn't know she was a vampire.

"Mutt?" Selina raised a brow, fening confusion.

"Um....uh..." They scratched their back awkwardly and the brunette just couldn't hold it anymore. She burst out laughing along with Jacob who caught onto her idea. Edward rolled his eyes.

"They were just tricking us, Selina knows we're vampires and that Jacob is a shapeshifter." The said brunette grinned as they looked shocked. She shivered slightly when she heard her name fall off the tip of his tongue. For some reason, Selina enjoyed hearing her name come out of Edward's mouth.

"And how do you know that, handsome?" Her voice came out huskier than she expected it too, seductive. Selina smirked as she saw him freeze. "Perhaps." She started, thinking as she walked forward, her eyes focused on him and only him as she walked towards. Once she got there, Selina sat on his lap, straddling him. "A mind reader," She whispered, biting his ear before speeding off and laughing along with Emmett and Jacob. If he wasn't a vampire, she knew for a fact he'd be blushing.

"H-h-how'd you know?" He asked, shocked. Selina put her finger to her red painted lips.

"Secret," Selina whispered and with that, she disappeared from the room, her chuckle echoing throughout the room.

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