| chapter six |

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' real men make your panties wet,
not your eyes '


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GETTING READY WAS WHAT SELINA ENJOYED the most of going out. She loved taking her time to choose what to wear and doing her hair. This time though, she was helping Rosalie, Alice and Bella get ready, so they could all go out clubbing.

So far, Alice and Rosalie were doing their makeup as they already wore their dresses and Bella was waiting on the bed for Selina to choose a dress for her. All their dresses were from Selina, seeing as she had the sexiest dresses.

"Got one!" Selina yelled and brought out a black lace dress with black heels. She handed them to Bella before going back to her closet, and soon Alice joined her.

"What you looking for?" The pixie like girl asked as the two scanned the side of the closet full of dresses.

"I need a dress that screams sexy," Selina told Alice, who nodded before speeding to her room and bringing down a black dress.

"Try it on." Alice ushered her into the bathroom, closing the door before helping Bella with her makeup. They all wore their dress and Rosalie was finished, so she was doing Bella's hair.

"We're going to look hot," Rosalie said, and they all nodded before looking over at Selina who came out of the bathroom.

"Wow." Alice squealed along with Rosalie, who grinned before dragging her to the desk so they could do her makeup.

"Now you're definitely going to have humans all over you." The blonde winked as she continued doing Bella's hair. The brunette was staring at her mate with lust. She looked gorgeous, sexy. Selina was wearing a black dress that went a few inches below her butt, and her sides were cut open but were connected by a black string. Her curves showed, and her breast was half demonstrated.

Bella knew she and Edward were going to get jealous at the club when all the girls and boys went to their mate

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Bella knew she and Edward were going to get jealous at the club when all the girls and boys went to their mate.

Five minutes later and they were all ready. Their dresses were all sexy and gorgeous, and their mates were going to drool over them.

"Girls! Let's go!" Emmett yelled as he and the other waited downstairs. Esme and Carlisle weren't going so they were on a hunt while Jacob was back at the pack house, getting ready. He was going to meet up with the others at the club.

The guys were wearing shirts and jeans while the girls went full out. They walked down the stairs and as if rehearsed, their mate's jaws dropped.

Alice giggled and went over to Jasper who wrapped an arm around her possessively while Emmett wolf whistled as Rosalie walked up to him. Edward, however, was stunned as both his mates looked sexy before he smiled and grabbed Bella's hand, pulling her into a hug and though he wanted to do the same to Selina, he knew he couldn't.

"Ready?" Alice asked, and they all nodded before walking to their cars.

"You riding with us, Selina?" Rosalie asked as she was about to get into Emmett's car. The couple were all going in their own vehicles.

Selina shook her head and let out a laugh. "I've got my own ride." And just then, a red Lamborghini pulled up, but there was no one in it. The others stared in shock as Selina got in, laughing.

"Let's go!" She yelled before speeding to the club, the others following.

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