| chapter thirteen |

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' why be rude when you can be nude? '

"WHAT?!" A scream echoed throughout the Cullen's house, a shout that belonged to the beautiful brunette named Selina

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"WHAT?!" A scream echoed throughout the Cullen's house, a shout that belonged to the beautiful brunette named Selina.

A week had passed since the visit from Selina's ex-lover, Stacie, and everything was going okay. They were all okay, and everything was normal, the brunette even got to meet the pack, who adored her more than anything.

"The Volturi are coming," Alice repeated and Selina glared at her.

"I know that!" She snarled as her eyes went a darker shade. "I'm asking why! They may be stupid, but they'd never come to defeat us."

"Selina is right. The Volturi would never come without reason and I think I know what it is." Everyone turned to the eldest vampire in the room, the father of the Cullen's. "I believe it was that girl Stacie. She must've reported it to her brothers."

"Brothers?!" Selina stared at Carlisle Cullen with wide eyes. "No wonder she was always so rich." She mumbled under her breath before the anger came back as the words sank in. "THAT BITCH! How dare she!" Selina growled, her vamp face coming out as anger overtook her.

"Lina, calm down." Jacob tried to calm which failed as Selina glared at him, her lips pulled back, so her fangs were showing. She opened her mouth to yell but cut herself off and took inhaled air before exhaling it.

"I'm gonna go feed. I'll be back in a few." She informed them before vamp speeding out the house, her face returning to normal.

"Let's hope she doesn't kill the whole town." Emmett joked only for the others to glare at him. "What! It was only a joke." He raised his hand in defence.

"You gotta be careful because she may just do that," Jacob told him, and Emmett's jaw dropped in shock. Selina roamed the city of New York, travelling far away. She'd feed on the local people, but Forks has a small population, and everyone knew who everyone was so if someone went missing, they'd know.

"Hello, Sexy." Turning her head, Selina locked gazes with a tall black-haired girl who had striking green eyes. The girl was curvy and would do. Alice walked over to her and brought her into an abandoned alley before pushing her against the wall.

"Don't make a sound." Selina compelled the girl before her fangs elongated and black veins appeared under her eyes. She bit into the girl's neck, blood following into her mouth as she gulped it all down until she realised the girl was going to die. Selina gave the girl some of her own blood before compelling her to forget. "Forget this happened and that you ever met me."

Selina continued to feed on humans and repeated the same thing. She'd bring them to a dark alley or somewhere nobody can see them and then compel them to shit up before drinking their blood. Selina would then heal them and compel them to forget what happened and that they met her.

Snatch, eat and erase. That was her technique.


Slipping her phone out of her back pocket, Selina glanced at the ID before answering it. "What do you want, Jake?" She sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"I heard what happened. You okay?" Her best friend asked, concerned.

"Honestly, I'm not." She answered. Jacob knew how his friend was, and he knew that she was sick and tired.

"It's all going to be fine. Nothing's going to happen to them, and there are lots of people who are willing to help." Jacob reassured his worried best friend. "Trust me."

"Okay," Selina sighed, "I trust you."

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