| chapter seven |

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' love means facing your greatest fears '


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FOUR CARS PARKED OUTSIDE A FAMOUS NIGHT CLUB. Seeing the red Lamborghini, Jacob ran up to it and opened the door for his best friend.

"Damn girl." Jacob wolf whistled as Selina got out the car.

"Sexy, right?" The two laughed at their own inside joke before entering the club along with the Cullen's. The guard at the door took a glance at the Cullen's and was about to tell them to go when he saw Selina.

"Selina!" Hearing her name, the brunette turned her head to see her friend, Tyler.

"Tyler!" She walked over to him, and they did their own handshake they knew off by heart. "Working here now, huh." He nodded, and they laughed before he opened the door for her and her friends.

The Cullen's entered the club and were immediately consumed by the loud sound of the music.

"I'm going to the bar!" Selina yelled over the music, taking Jacobs hand. "You guys go find a booth and then go dance or whatever." She and Jacob went to the bar, and a smirk crawled on Selina's lips as everyone gazed at her.

"You're enjoying this." Jacob laughed, and Selina nodded before they sat on a stool.

"Two shots!" She told the bartender who nodded and poured the drink into the cups. Selina downed hers before yelling for another and another and another until she finally finished the whole bottle. "I'm gonna go dance," She told her best friend before going to the dance floor, surrounding herself with food.

"Hello," Selina turned around to lock eyes with a man a head taller than hair. A smirk was placed on his mouth as his eyes travelled down her body before looking at her eyes, lust shining in his.

"Hi." Her voice came out husky as her eyes went dark with lust and hunger. Selina could smell his arousal, and it was strong, his energy really powerful. "And who might you be?" She asked as she took a step forward, her breast pressed against his chest.

"His name is Samuel, and I am Jessica." Turning her head, Selina gazed at the girl that looked similar to the boy in front of her. They both had snow white hair and blue eyes. Their facial structure was the same except the boy had higher cheekbones. The girl was the same height as Bella, and the boy was the same height as Edward which meant that Selina was as tall as Samuel's chest and as tall as Jessica's chin.

 The girl was the same height as Bella, and the boy was the same height as Edward which meant that Selina was as tall as Samuel's chest and as tall as Jessica's chin

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"It's nice to meet you, Jessica." Selina's hunger filled eyes went from the girl to the boy, and she couldn't wait till she had their powerful energy. "What brings you here?"

"Well, our dad owns this club." Selina rose a brow and knew that Samuel was trying to boost. "And asked us to check on how it is." The brunette nodded before walking closer to the two, leaning closer.

"Then let's go somewhere private," Jessica smirked and grabbed her hand, lacing their fingers together before taking her to the VIP section. Selina soon stopped as she glanced at the Cullens.

"On second thought, could you guys wait a second." She told the two, who stared at her with confusion. "I need to go to my friends that I won't be going home anytime soon." She winked at the siblings before going to the Cullens, where a jealous Bella and Edward were.

"Where were you?" Rosalie asked, and Selina motioned to the two siblings that talked to each other before smiling and waving at the Cullens. Emmett wolf whistled before laughing and patting Selina's back before yelping in pain as Rosalie stepped on his feet and glared at him.


"Anyway, you guys can go ahead and Jacob, take my car back." She threw her best friend the keys before waving goodbye and winking at the jealous couple before going back at the two siblings.

"All sorted out?" Selina grinned and nodded, and they laced their fingers with the brunette before taking her through the VIP section, down a dark corridor and finally into a room.

"Wow." Selina looked at the room in awe. The walls were painted a deep blood red, and the floors were a dark brown, almost black colour. There was a king sized bed in the middle of the room, some couches, desks and chairs. Two doors led to a bathroom and a walk-in closet.

"Amazing right?"

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