| chapter three |

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' just take off your clothes,
we won't be needing them '

AFTER AN HOUR HAD PASSED, Selina reentered the Cullen's living room, feeling refreshed

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AFTER AN HOUR HAD PASSED, Selina reentered the Cullen's living room, feeling refreshed. The brunette had just gone to the nearest hospital and drank a lot of blood bags to quench her thirst. She realised that her best friend wouldn't be happy with her feeding off the locals.

"Where did you go?" Asked Bella as she entered the room. Selina grinned, both her lips and teeth stained red from the blood while she had some on her shirt.

"Hospital," Selina answered before looking at Carlisle. "If you have a lot of blood bags missing, it wasn't me." The brunette walked over to Jacob who raised a brow at his best friend.

"How many?"

"I don't know, maybe..." Selina trailed off, trying to remember how many blood bags she finished. "Fourteen or fifteen." She answered, watching Jacob roll his brown coloured eyes at her.

"Hungry leech." She heard him mutter under his breath, but it was clear to the vampire's ears. Selina heard two low growls coming from the other side of the room but chose to ignore it and instead, she glared at Jacob.

"What was that, mutt?" Selina seethed, but they both knew this was just playful.

"I said you're a hungry leech." He growled, feigning his anger which made her roll her hypnotising eyes.

"Quick! Someone call animal control; we got a raging male bitch here." Selina excalimed before she glanced at Jacob and soon they both erupted into laughs, along with the others.

"Animal control!" Laughed Emmett, giving the brunette a high five. Selina winked at him, and instead of two growls, she heard three. Raising a brow, Selina glanced at Bella and Edward who were glaring at Emmett and Rosalie who was glaring at her. She laughed.

"Don't worry, Rose. I'm not going to steal your mate." Selina told her, smirking. "Got my eyes set on another pair." She winked at Bella and Edward who froze and if they were human, would be blushing by how they were acting.




Selina rose a brow as she heard her phone ring. Slipping it out of her back pocket, she answered it without even looking at the ID. She placed it to her ear once she heard the ringtone stop.


"Babe!" Selina rolled her eyes at the familiar annoying voice. Even though Lucy was very irritating and clingy, she was great in bed.

"What do you want Lucy?" Selina asked, bored. The seductive vampire was not in the mood for her.

"Don't be like that, Boo Bear." The brunette groaned at Lucy's nickname for her. It was so cliche.

"Listen, Lucy, I need to go," Selina said, trying to end the call with her.

"Boo Bear!"

"Bye," Selina said before hanging up.

"Who was that?" Growled Edward, anger and jealousy were flashing through his eyes as well as Bellas.

"What? You jealous?" Selina smirked.

"Very." Selina was taken back by their answer. She did not expect that answer, it shocked her, but she soon got over it and chuckled.

"Don't worry; it's not like we're in a relationship. She's just my food." Selina reassured, smiling slightly.


"Yeah," Jacob said starting to explain. "Selina needs blood, but for her powers to work, she needs to have sex." He said bluntly, not really caring.

"Way to be blunt." She rolled her eyes, the smile still on her face. The others looked shocked except for Rosalie, who was in deep thought as her eyebrows furrowed together.

"Wait a minute." Selina glanced at the blonde haired beauty before nodding.


"Do you know a girl named Katie Mitchel?" The brunette rose a brow and tried to think of a girl named Katie. She shook her head before an image of a black and green haired girl entered her mind, and a smirk fell on her lips.

"Oh, you mean Crazy Kate." Rosalie nodded, and her smirk widened as she remembered their nights together. "Oh, she was one of my favourites. Real good in bed," Bella and Edward growled, and Selina laughed.

"Yeah, well, whatever. She talked a lot about you before she died." Selina's eyes widened, and she gazed at the blonde in shock.

"She died?!" Rosalie nodded, and she pouted.

"I was hoping she'd last longer." Selina sighed; she enjoyed the girl's company. One of the best sex. She was wild and very crazy.

"What do you mean by last longer?" Carlisle asked, and she flashed them a grin.

"I feed off their lust, which is also their energy. Sooner or later they die." Selina shrugged it off like it was nothing. People die everyday, what's going to happen if a few extra die?

"What about vampires?" Now it was Bella's turn to ask a question.

"Nothing happens. We're dead so I can't take up as much energy as those humans." Bella nodded and the sides of her lip twitch upwards as Selina saw her sigh in relief, along with Edward.

This was going to be fun.

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