| chapter seventeen |

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' i need you and only you '

"STACIE!" Selina barged into the Volturi throne room, her body physically shaking and her vision red

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"STACIE!" Selina barged into the Volturi throne room, her body physically shaking and her vision red. Anger boiled deep in her system, as hot as lava. Her hands were fisted into balls as her nails dug into her skin.

"Selina?" Stacie walked to her ex-lover as if she was a fucking queen. A smug look on her face as she finally thought she'd won her over but that expression disappeared once she saw the glare of her former lover, her eyes different. Stacie had never seen Selina look that way; her eyes had a deadness, a stillness. The girl who laughed often, the one who was everyone's friend and flirted with everyone had developed a hardness. Her eyes flashed with indignance and anger, much like lightning on a pitch black night. Stacie couldn't recognise her anymore, the girl she used to know was gone, and it was all because of her.

"You! You were the one that turned the twins into vampires!" She accused as Selina shrugged not caring that much about the twins she had killed after she heard them talking about her lover.

"So what?" She said, shrugging. The kings and guards watched as Selina laughed, humorlessly.

"So what?" The brunette questioned as she gazed at Stacie with cold eyes that had her stepping back in fear. "You don't care, do you? Of course, you don't." Selina let out a cold laugh, one that had everyone cowering in fear. "You're just a stuck bitch who can't keep her legs closed, and when something doesn't go her way, she runs off to her brother to come to fix her shit, and she acts like a princess while her brother risks his life to please his little sister." Selina glared at Stacie, the latter stepping back.

"Selina," Hate, like a volcano, pressure created from hot, boiling magma, that contained enough heat to make mud boil. Hate expands, like anything that gains heat. It grows, as it develops, it explodes. And just like a volcanic eruption, hate kills. Literally.

"I wonder what would happen if I killed you right here. After all, they say things happen for a reason." Stacie gulped in fear and looked at her brother pleadingly but he made no move to save her, he just stared at her with a blank expression. "You know what?" Selina laughed coldly, her hand placed on Stacie's chest. "I'll do just that." Her hand dove into her chest and out came Selina's bloody hand with a heart in it.

"Problem solved." She grinned sinisterly before dropping the heart and walking out of the room.

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