| chapter fifteen |

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' i fell asleep wanting to kiss and i when i woke up, the feeling hadn't left '

SELINA WOKE UP TO HER FACE squished against a pair of breasts, sighing in content at the softness of it

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SELINA WOKE UP TO HER FACE squished against a pair of breasts, sighing in content at the softness of it. The beautiful brunette looked up to see Bella gazing at her lovingly.

"Good morning." Bella's morning voice sent chills down Selina's back.

"Morning" Selina sat up and saw that Edward wasn't with them.

"He's gone with Carlisle to go find witnesses," Bella answered, a small smile on her face. Selina looked over and straddled Bella, her face pressed against her boobs. She laid on her body, enjoying the coolness of it. Bella wrapped her arms around her mate and sighed in content.

The two sat like that and waited until Edward finally came home, along with Carlisle and a few witnesses as well as their cousins from Alaska.

Edward entered the room and came over, kissing both his girls foreheads before sitting with them, his arm wrapped around Selina's waist and his head on top of Bella's head.

"You know," Selina started as she breathed against Bella's chest. "I'm glad Jake called when he did." She admitted, and both Bella and Edward played with her soft, delicate curls.

"Why's that?" Edward asked, looking down at his beloved yet seductive mate.

"Because if he didn't, I would've never met you," Selina said before lifting her head and kissing his lips, but instead of hunger, only love was shared. Selina kissed Bella as well, and she finally understood the weird feeling in her stomach whenever she was near the two.

"I love you. Both of you."

It was love. Something Selina never thought she'd find. Love, Selina's most significant strength but weakness. Which will either lead to her downfall or her success.

After her declaration, Bella and Edward were over the moon. They finally got their last piece, and they finally knew that she loved them back.

"We love you too," Bella said before kissing the girl again before Edward did the same thing.

"Edward! Bella! Selina!" Emmett's voice was heard as his fists pounded against the closed door of their room. "I'm gonna open the door, and you better not be fucking like last time." Selina laughed before getting off Bella and speeding across the room and hiding behind the door that slowly opened as Emmett entered the room. "Oh thank god." He sighed in relief as he saw that his siblings and friend weren't fucking.

"BOO!" Selina yelled, scaring the hell out of him. The huge vampire jumped up and screamed as he sped out of the room and into the comfort of his mate's arms. Selina laughed as she exited the room and racing to the living room where she found a scared Emmett in Rosalie's arm, acting like a big baby.

"Grow up, Emmett." His friend and companion, Garrett, rolled his eyes as he saw the vampire act like a big baby.

"Yeah, Emmett. I thought you were a man." Kate Denali said as she sat on her mate's lap.

"Well, you thought wrong. I mean look at him." Selina retorted as she descended the stairs. The others looked at the brunette, who only wore a large long sleeve shirt. The sleeves went past her fingers, and the shirt ended about mid-thigh.

"Selina?" Turning her head, said girl spotted a familiar face that had a smile spread on her face.

"Ben!" Selina jumped onto her best vampire friend arms, hugging him as they reunited. They were, and are, the best of friends when Selina went to Egypt. She stumbled across Benjamin, and the two grew close instantly. "I've missed you." She mumbled into his chest, wrapping her arms tightly around him, afraid he'd leave.

"I've missed you too, Lina." He whispered back, and the others watched as two best friends reunited after a century.

"What's going on in here?" Selina looked to her two mates and grinned before pulling Ben over to them, the two glaring at the vampire that held hands with their mate.

"Bennie, I'd like you to meet Edward and Bella." The former smiled tightly while the latter glared at Benjamin, not afraid to hide her anger and jealousy. "Guys, meet Benjamin. My vampire best friend."

"Your what?!" Jacob screeched as he looked at his best friend with a look of hurt on his face. He dramatically put his hand to his heart and faked sobbed. "I thought I was your best friend!"

"You are. You're my werewolf best friend; he's my vampire best friend." Selina clarified, grinning at him and Jacob sighed in relief.

"Oh thank God. I thought you were replacing me."

"I am." Selina grinned, and it took the shape-shifter a minute until the words sank into his brain.


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