Chapter 17

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Lauren's POV

I woke up with the most beautiful girl lying in my arms sound asleep. How I've missed waking up like this. She was all I've ever wanted & more. I lay here starring at her perfect features while she sleeps. Since it was Saturday morning & we had no where to be, I'll let her sleep in. & if she's up for it later, I'll invite the girls over for a girls night. But for now, I want her to sleep peacefully in my arms with no worries making her feel safe.

Camila's POV

I slowly began to wake up. I felt arms wrapped tightly around me & a pair of green eyes starring at me.
"Good morning beautiful" Lauren's sexy morning voice said
"Good morning, what time is it?" I groaned
"10, I've been up since 8."
"Why didn't you wake me?" I asked stretching my legs & back
"You looked so peaceful and I didn't want to interrupt you"
"Awh Lolo" I leaned in to give her a kiss but her hand came over my face to stop me
"Not until you brush your teeth" she said giggling
"Fine, help me?" I ask pouting
"Of course"
She helped me out of the best & walked me into the bathroom. After I brushed my teeth, hair, and put a little of make up on, Lauren took me back into my room and sat me on the bed.
"So what are we doing today?" I asked
"Well do you want to invite the girls over & have a girls night? if you're not up to it, we don't have to" she says with all concern about me
"No, I'd love to!"
She smile and pulled out her phone & sent a text to Dinah. She replied & said they'll all be over at 12 although It was only 11.
"So what are we going to do for an hour?" I say giving Lauren a wink
"Well when they get here, we all can go out to eat so cooking isn't an option. Hmm, lets watch a movie!" She says sitting next to me
"Buts that all we ever do" I say sticking my lower lip out at her
"Babe that's all you're able to do" she says while leaning in to kiss my lower lips.
"Fine" I grumble
"You can pick it"
"Let's watch, hmmm, OH ZOMBIELAND!"
"An Emma Stone movie?" she questions
"Of course" I say smiling at her.
She nodded her head and put in the movie & soon joined me in the bed. She wrapped her arms around my sore body & I laid my head on her chest, listening to the sweet sound of her heart beat. Da-doop, da-doop. The beat made me sleepy but I wanted to stay awake to listen to it. After watching the movie for an hour or so, the girls came in
"Yo, what's up Camren" Dinah sad with Ally & Normani following her.
"You guys hungry?" Ally asked
"Do you even have to ask Camz that?" Lauren said with a smile, looking at me while I giggled at her comment.
"Where we going?" I ask
"I'm feeling sushi" Normani replied & everybody agreed. Lauren sent the girls out so she can help me get dressed.
"What do you want to wear?" she asked me
"My white jeans, my black shirt that says gangsta love, ohhh and my white bow"
She nodded and grabbed the clothes I requested. She slowly took off my shirt, examining all my curves. I caught her starring at my breast while taking my shirt off. I put of hand under her chin to look me in the eyes, I then slowly pressed my lips to hers. She licked the bottom of my lips asked for entrance & I gladly accepted. Her tongues explored all inches of my mouth and she started to make her way don't to my neck, leaving wet kisses. Until she found my pulse and started to suck on it, and I let out a light moan. She came back up to my face & kissed my lips again.
"If we don't get going soon, the girls are going to wonder where we are at" she said with a smirk
"You're such a tease" I replied kissing her cheek.
She laughed and finished helping me get ready. She walked me down the steps to see 3 anxious girls standing by the door.
"What took so long?" Ally asked
"Oh, um, nothing. we're ready to go" Lauren replies blushing down at her feet
"Oh I see" Dinah said with a smirk
"Let's go" she said changing the subject.
We all piled into Ally's car with me, Lauren & Normani in the back with the other girls in the front. We reached the restaurant and soon took our seats. These girls were the best. I love the stories they told me, and all the good times we've had. Being with them just made me happier, and being with Lauren. Gosh, knowing that I get to call her mine made me feel like I was on cloud 9. Everything is perfect.
"Oh Lauren, tell them about your grandma the other day!" Dinah said laughing hard as if she already knew the story.
"Oh lord, alright! so the other day, my family & I went out to East coast wings right? well the waiter was taking our drink orders and looking over to my grandma saying 'what would you like sir'. Well, she quickly replied saying 'HEY. Do I look like a sir now' and she flashed him! I told her she just couldn't do things like that in public!"
We all busted out laughing. I'm pretty sure I peed myself from laughing so hard, Ally & Normani were crying and Lauren, & Dinah were out of breathe.
We all calmed down & decided we should get back to my house. We paid and left a tip and soon made our way to the car. The car ride with them is always fun, We all singed/ screamed the whole way home. It gave me a headache but I didn't care, being with them always brightened my day.
When we got to my house, we all changed into our PJ's and sat in my floor.
"Let's play truth or dare!" Normani suggested
"I'm in!" I say & the others agreed.
"Okay, me first. Dinah Truth or Dare" Lauren started
"Dare, cause I'm a rebel"
"I dare you to call your mom & tell her your pregnant! but tell her you're kidding after she freaks out" she said with a smirk & every ooohh'd
Dinah whipped out her phone and dialed her moms phone number.
'Hey mom... I have some bad news" she started off. "I'm pregnant.."
Her mom literally freaked out. We could hear her screaming & cussing out Dinah through the phone.
"MOM! mom calm down! I'm kidding" Dinah laughed
"You did what?" Dinah kept going. "Well you owe me a new one. Okay bye love you" then she hung up the phone. "Well guys, my mom busted my laptop" Dinah told us
We all died laughing. The game continued with extreme truths & dares for another hour or so. It was starting to get late so me, Lauren, & Ally piled into my bed while Dinah & Normani made a spot to sleep in the floor. I felt Lauren's arms snake around my waist pulling her into her warm body.
"Goodnight beautiful, I love you" she whispered so only I could hear it
"Goodnight, I love you too" I say while she kissed the top of my head. I could tell she missed holding me, she held me as if she didn't want to lose me. My accident has truly traumatized her.

Vote & comment please! btw the gargoyle story, horse story, and the grandma story is all true! based on things my friends & I have done! but the gargoyle story happened to my Sisters friend's but they all true 🙈
-Tana 💞

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