Chapter 30

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Vero's POV
Lucy sat across the table looking more beautiful than ever. Her blue eyes sparkled from the light above. Her hair perfectly place on her shoulder & pushed back. Her lips, looked so soft.. the perfect match for mine. What I wouldn't do to make her mine.
We finish eat & I decided to take her to the softball field. Not that romantic, I know but Camila said somewhere I feel comfortable. The ball field is the most comfortable place & I want to tell her how I feel while standing in the place of what I love doing with the person I love. It seems like the right place to be.
I drove down to the field & she looked confused.
"Are we having midnight batting practice" she chuckled.
"Nope. Come with me" I say getting out of the car.
She nodded & followed me onto the field. I held a rose be hide my back where she couldn't see it. We stood in the middle of the field & she still looked more confused than ever.
"Lu, there's something I need to tell you. You might think differently of me but I'm willing to take a chance, for you" I took a deep breath & handed her the rose. "I love you. More than a fiend. Every since I met you, I've had a crush on you. I fall harder for you each & everyday. I'm not expecting you to feel the same but I wanted you to know" I finish.
She looked confused at first but then a smile grew on her face. She jumped on me & giving me a hug. I'm confused, I figured she wouldn't be so happy. When we pulled out of the hug, she pressed her lips gently onto mine. I had no problem kissing her back, & she deepened the kiss by putting her around around my neck & I placed my hands on her waist. She licked the bottom of my lips asking for entrance & I gladly accepted. Her tongue explored every inch of my mouth, and we pulled away when air became a problem. I rested my forehead on hers and we starred into each others eyes.
"I have no clue you felt the same" I whispered.
"Always have & always will" she said giving me another passionate kiss.
"Why did you bring me here?"
"Camila & Lauren said to tell you somewhere that I feel comfortable at. & the field is the one place I feel myself & I wanted to tell you in the right way" I answered her.
A smile grew on her face & she gave me another kiss. "Good answer"
I kissed her forehead & we got back in the car & made our way back to her apartment & find Lauren & Camila cuddling on the couch, watching tv. We walked in with our hands intertwined & the first one to scream was Lauren.
"IT WORKED. YESSSS IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU TOO!" she scream while tackling us into a hug.
"Thanks Laur" Lucy said putting her arm around me. "I just need to end thing with josh & now I'll finally be with to person I care most about" she said & gave me a kiss on the cheek.
Everything was perfect. She was finally mine.

Lauren's POV
I was so happy for Vero & Lucy. Finally my two bestfrienda are together. Hmm friends... I miss the other girls. Maybe they would want to come to the game tomorrow & stay the weekend before me & Camz leave for Texas Monday, so I text Dinah.

'Hey D, do you & the other girls want to come to my game Friday & stay the weekend with me & Camz?'

'sure dawg, they girls are ok with it! see you then'

Finally a weekend with my bestfriends & my girlfriend. What more could I ask for?

Sorry for the short chapter please don't hate me:( more soon!
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