Chapter 21

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Camila's POV
I was terrified. What if we're stuck on this island forever? What if we're never found? Does anyone even miss us? I think to my self before I start making shelter. I went over to the edge of the jungle & grabbed a few Bamboo sticks & couple of giant leaves. I dug a hole & sat two sticks inside of them. I angled the other sticks as if they were resting on them & i tied them together with some vine rope that was near by & I sat the leaves on top of the sticks as of it were a small little house. Thank god I watch survivor man at home all the time. I went over to the raft & sat it under the tent, using it as a bed. There was an emergency box of supplies in the raft, & there's was a first aid kit, knife, empty water bottles, granola bars, a blanket & a flare gun. I packed up everything in the box & sat it under the tent, next to the raft. I herd a deathly scream come from the jungle, the place Lauren just went into. I took the knife & started to run towards her. The screams got louder & more painful to hear, I couldn't bare the thought that she could be hurt badly. I finally reached her & saw that see was caught up in a spider web.
"Really?" I say while laughing.
"Camz, HELP ME!" she said almost crying.
"Hang on" I pulled her away from the web & picked off the rest that was stuck to her body. "Better?"
"Loads" she says giving me a smile. "There some fruit up in that tree. I tried to get it, but got caught in the web. Help me carry it back?" She asked pouting. I nodded and we walked over to the tree to grab the food. There was few Banana's, coconuts, red berries, and few strawberries, We took as much as our hands could carry. When we go back to the beach, we out the food in the raft & headed back out to look for fresh water, taking the bottles with us.
About 20 minutes of walking, we herd something that sounded like a waterfall. We cut down a few plants & saw a lagoon with a waterfall & plenty of fresh water.
"Lauren, it's so beautiful"
"I know. Let's fill up the bottles & come back to clean off" She says while walking down the rocks to the edge of the water. It was a good thing we both wore our bikini's under our clothes before we went out last night cause it was started to get hot. After we went back to the tent with plenty of water, we shared a banana & took off our shirts & shorts, leaving nothing but our bikini's on, going back to the lagoon. We jumped it and it felt so good. It wasn't freezing or burning hot, it was the perfect temperature. We got on either side of the pool, washing up to ourselves. I looked back at Lauren & she was taking her bottoms off & sat them on the rock that was near by, oh how I wish I could see underwater. Soon after she started to untie her top but she could reach it, so I swam over next to her undoing it for her, slowly giving her a kiss on the next & I herd a moan escape from her sweet lips. She turned around facing me, pressing our lips together. I stuck my tongue in her mouth without permission, and soon it started to get heated. I felt her hands come be hide me to untie my top as well, throwing it to the rock. Her hands soon made it to my bottoms & slipped them off, throwing them on the rock as well. She ran her hands down to my ass, squeezing it while picking me up to carry me out of the water & I wrapped my legs tightly around her, never breaking the kiss. She laid me slowly down on the soft sand next to the lagoon, laying on top of me. I felt her hands work up and down my body & found its way to my breast, tightly gripping them. She kissed my neck, biting it as well. moans escaped my mouth and she keep going.
"Ready?" she asked looking me in the eye. I nodded and she move her head down to my entrance, & now was inside me. I laid my hands on the back of her head, tugging at her hair & pushing her farther into me. I was about to my climax and she knew it too. She started to go farther into me and using her hands to explore my body. I then reach my climax & all my juices excited out of me & she gladdly cleaned them up. She crawled back on top of me kissing me passionately.
"That was great" I say as I try & catch my breath.
"Almost as great as the first time" she winked at me & gave me another kiss. Too bad I couldn't remember the first time. But I knew it was just as great, just being with Lauren was great.
We both got up & got back into the water to finish cleaning up but we washed off next to each other instead of the places we were before.
"Yeah Lolo?"
"I love you. If I had to be here with anyone in the world, I glad it's you"
I looked over to her & put my arms loosely around her neck, & she snaked her arms around my waist pulling me closer into her.
"I love you too" I say before crashing our lips onto one another.

Do you think they'll ever get rescued?
-Tana 💞

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