Chapter 28

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Lauren's POV
I woke up with Camila on my mind as usual... I hated not being able to go back to her & hold her in my arms. Although her being in life is better than nothing. I got up & started to get ready to go pick up Camz for coffee. I didn't have any morning classes today so I could stay as long as I wanted. I walked out of my apartment & jumped into my car to go to Camila's place. I soon arrived & knocked on the door. After a few seconds the door flew open & pulled me inside. It was dark & I couldn't see a thing but I felt a pair of lips connect to mine. The person I was kissing started to get rough, running their hands up & down my body. I recognize the pair of lips & they belonged to Camila, but I didn't want to stop, I wanted to keep going. I just couldn't resist myself. I pulled her body close to mine while she pushed me up against the wall. She started to kiss her way down to my neck & sucked on my weak spot. I let out a few moans & her hands ran down to my butt, tightly squeezing it. She started to pull me into another room & threw me on the bed. She walked over to the door & shut it, turning in the lights. Camila stood there wearing a lace bra & a thong.
"Damn" I whisper to myself but she herd me. She slowly walked towards me & crawled on top of me.
"I've missed you" she said while kissing my neck
"I'm never leaving you again" I say while letting a moan escape from my lips.
After we had out little 'moment', if you know what I mean... we put our clothes back on & got into my car to get coffee.
"Lauren?" she said while we were driving down the road.
"Yeah babe?"
"Can I trust you? not to leave me again?"
I pulled over & looked her in the eyes, giving her a passionate kiss.
"Yes. I made a mistake, and I have regretted it every day since. I want you to still have your singing career but I still am going to be with you. I love you so much Camila, I'm willing to wait for you" I say
"Lauren, I love you so much" she said with a smile across her face pulling me into a hug.
I've missed her so much. I don't think I've ever been happier than right now, holding her tightly in my arms.
I pulled back onto the road and we drove to the coffee shop. We talked for the longest time & I've missed days like this. Her class starts at 10 so I drove her back to the building & went back home to my apartment for a nap. My class didn't start until 1 & I had practice at 4 so I thought to get some rest.
It all flew by pretty fast. The week went by & it all was perfect. Being with Camila, listening to her sing. I love hearing how excited she was for the X-Factor. We were laying in u apartment watching a movie alone. My roommate, Lucy, was out with her boyfriend. I play softball with her as well, she's our catcher.
"Lauren, when is your game again?" she asked breaking the silence.
"Friday, two days away" I say.
"I gotcha, I miss watching you play. When was the last time I watched you play?"
This made me think, I wasn't really sure. Hmmm, oh yeah "I think it was when I passed out & had that concussion"
"Oh yeah. I'm so glad you were okay. I don't know what I would do without you" she says grabbing my hand.
I kissed the top of her forehead & we got closer to each other. Lucy & her boyfriend walked in, interrupting out moment.
"Oh sorry guys." She said covering her hand over her eyes & using her other hand to pull her boyfriend in the other room.
"Nah, it's all good! what are y'all doing?" I asked
"I'm about to make Josh some dinner. You guys want some too?"
"Sure" I replied and me & Camz got up, putting some longer shorts on & walked into the kitchen.
"So Lauren this is...?" Lucy started
"Oh I haven't introduced you to each other. This is Camila, my girlfriend" I say pointing to her
"Hi" Camila said in a shy tone. She's never shy...
"Hi! nice you meet you" Lucy said giving her a hug.
They both really liked Camila & I was glad cause me & Lucy has gotten close the last few weeks. But she's defiantly not someone I would leave Camila for, she was gorgeous but not my type. Plus she's been with josh for the past 3 months & they're a really cute couple. Camz seemed to warm up to them in no time & she began to be herself.
After we ate, Camila stay the night but Josh went home. We laid in my room, holding her in my arms when I herd her speak.
"Lolo, would u ever leave me for Lucy?"
I looked down & noticed a tear was forming in eye & I kissed the top of her head. "I could never leave you Camz" I say before we both fall asleep.

Sorry if there is any spelling errors! I didn't have a chance to re-read it but ill be updating soon.
-Tana 💞

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