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It was Wednesday and all trace of Hannah was almost erased. ALMOST. I'd spent the rest of my weekend and the beginning of my week trying not to think about her in general. By Wednesday I thought I was going to succeed on my endeavor when I heard her.

"Marcus," she said placing her lunch tray in front of me. I was quite concentrated on the book in front of me and hadn't seen her. When I looked up everything about her that I had managed to erase came back in an instant. Her smile, those gorgeous blue eyes, her long blonde hair.

"Hannah," I said and went back to my book. I needed to man up.

"Genetics," she said and I nodded. That was the book that I was reading. "Are we going to start over every time we meet?" I looked at her puzzled.

"I don't know what you mean," I said in between bites of burger. She was smiling and I wanted to punch myself in the face for smiling her back.

"Well," she grabbed a carrot from her tray and chewed on it "you're so closed up. It's as if we don't know each other," she shrugged.

"We don't," I wasn't about to let her creep inside me and make me feel things I hated. We met at a party and, shockingly enough, I didn't fuck her. That was it.

"But we do, Marcus," she smiled as if she knew something that I didn't "You are a fourth year pre-med student, you live with your friend Brice, you are a serial dater," I was about to open my mouth but she went on "I know, I know, you fuck," she waved her hand dismissing my point "and you don't trust people," that definitely got me.

"I do trust people," I said grabbing a French fry from my plate.

"No, you don't but we are not going to argue about that," she chewed on her burger while I stared at her.

"Fine," I closed my book in defeat and gave her my attention. I was beginning to realize that that was the way it was with her. You could not not give her your complete attention.

"Are you done for the day?" she asked me with a huge smile on her face while chewing on her burger. How can you smile and chew at the same time?

"No," I shook my head trying to look away from her "I still have a couple of classes,"

"Me too," she shrugged "but this means we can have lunch on Wednesdays," No. we could not.

"I don't think so Hannah," I said focusing on the salad in my tray.

"It'd be quite stupid to be in the same place at the same time and not sit at the same table," she rolled her eyes and I smiled. Fuck!

"Are you always like this?" I was really interested in knowing if she was like this or it was me who brought this side of her. It happened. Some girls turn into something else when they are with me. Like I said I'm a good looking son of a bitch.

"How? Friendly?" she gave another bite to her burger. I just nodded. "I guess so..." She seemed to be thinking her answer "I'm just enjoying my freedom," she shrugged.

"Were you in prison?" I asked with a tiny smile. I was actually smiling and having a conversation with a girl I had no intention of fucking. My dick thought, and wanted, otherwise but I knew what was good for me.

"Funny," she stuck her tongue out to me. That did something to my little friend down south. "my family is uptight and conservative and hates who I am," she shrugged.

"Who would hate you?" that completely escaped from my mouth, it was supposed to be an inner thought.

"They don't hate per se," she finished her lunch and put the tray aside "I am not what socialite is supposed to be," for the first time I could see a bit of hurt in her eyes.

"Where are you from?" I couldn't help it. I wanted to know everything about her.

"New York,"

"That's what? A 2 hour flight?" I wanted to take her mind off of whatever bothered about her family.

"I didn't fly," she finally smiled "I drove,"Of course she would. "13 hours,"

"Wow," I said shaking my head.

"Where are you from Marcus?"

"Atlanta," I said in a short clipped answer.

"You stayed close to home," she smiled and I nodded "Why?" Jesus Christ of course she wanted to know why.

"Well, the medicine program is good," she nodded "It's cheaper for me," she nodded again " and the parties,"

"The parties, of course," she smiled and nodded.

"Why Georgia?" I asked. It was my turn and, to be honest, by this point I was done trying to appear uninterested. We both were here, at the same time, so why not getting to know someone new? Someone that made the rest of the world disappear. I was in deep shit.

"I wanted to be as far away from my family as possible," she shrugged and smiled a devilish smile.

"Fair enough," I said and took a sip of my water.

"So, Marcus, are you ready to accept that we will be friends?" she bit her lip and my dick sprung to attention. Damn parasympathetic nervous system.

"If we follow some rules," I gave her a cocky grin and she grinned back.

"Ok, let me hear them. I'll decide if they are good rules and if I want/can abide to them," I couldn't help but chuckle. She was quite the specimen and I was actually having fun having a conversation with her. Who would've thought?

"One: I have no intention of fucking you. I do not fuck my friends," I only had the one: Brice, but still.

"I have no intention of fucking you either, done," she said nodding and being serious about my condition.

"Two: We will always be completely honest with each other; no bullshit or sugar coating the truth," she smiles wide

"I expect nothing less from you,"

"And last, and maybe least: Do not fuck Brice," That was important, Brice was going to try to fuck her and to be honest if I wasn't fucking her I wasn't about to let him do it either. I was not selfish (yes I was) but I didn't want to hear them fucking since Brice and I were roommates and I certainly didn't want to know all about it directly from the source (Brice).

"Ok, sounds like my kind of friendship,"

"Ok, then," I smiled. Fuck, I had just agreed to a friendship with a girl. A fucking magnificent girl. The exact kind of girl I always turn away from. I'm not going to say that she is the first girl that has interested me in the last 3 years, there have been lot of girls that just by looking at them I knew that they were the kind of girl that you date, not fuck; I always ran the opposite direction knowing they were dangerous. It seems that I can't do that with Hannah; it's like she has a pull over me. But maybe if we became friends and if we followed the rules we would be ok.

"Give me," she said grabbing my phone

"What are you doing?" I asked confused

"Thumb, please" she motioned toward the phone. She wanted me to unlock it. I did it without even questioning her reasons. She already had me by the balls.

"Am I allowed to know what you are doing?" I asked confused, in that second her phone began to ring and I realized she was saving her number on my phone and getting mine.

"Now it's official," She locked my phone again and gave it back grinning.

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